Saturday 12 December 2015

Waru Tree (Hibiscus Simillis Blume)

Many experts consider that Waru (Hibiscus Simillis Blume) as synonymous with Hibiscus Teliaceus, and H. Hastatus Celebicus. Some other experts argue simillis as sub species H. Simillis Teliaceus that regard as a small tree, bent, 10-15m high and 40-50cm in diameter. Backer even advocated the cultivation of this species for firewood, Koordus and Valeton assume that the use of wood Hibiscus simillis hardly used because wood is very small terrace.

In terms of ecology:
Existence of soil fertility improvement quickly. Waru has eksodat that allow roots to penetrate the rock and soil padas, roots able to break the stone into small rock, capable of forming the ecosystem diperakaran, cultivate microorganisms and roots are able to form mycorrhizae (mycoriza) making it easier for plants take nutrients available a more efficient and fertilize the soil physical, biological and chemical. The leaves are falling will quickly decayed into humus so that the forest floor is not flammable. Waru able to improve hydrological by improving water quality and regulate the water system.
From an economic point:
Easily grown, the ability to live 90% -100% significantly reduced the cost of planting, live simple terms, land preparation should not be so clean that land clearing costs are also low, 1 year old plants generally have shaped canopy that can compete with weeds so that the cost of maintenance or low maintenance, the plant is able to fertilize themselves so that fertilizer use can be minimized, short life cycle of around 12-15 years has had a diameter of 50 cm up and is quite advantageous economically, the physical properties of wood with a specific gravity of 0.6 fine fibers and straight and easy to work this wood can be used for various industrial and carpentry, can be planted anywhere in the tropics except for land podsol, undulatus and muddy. Can live well in all soil fertility and climate. Matches at an altitude of 0-700 meters above sea level.

Growth Patterns
Level "Juvenil" is the beginning of rapid growth so that the level of juvenile ended at the age of 3 years with a sign branching pattern that grows 5-6 primary branches periodically. Age 1 year occurred 3 periodicity shaped branching plagiotroph. In the second year began to form secondary branches. Level "Adolence" ie youth level after the age of 3 years, is growing very rapidly, beginning with the formation of flowers. Has begun to form wood porch. Branching Juvenis started shed. Adolence level ends after the age of 8 years and then get in on the initial maturity level. The initial level of maturity is characterized by the formation of the canopy, and tertiary branching twigs began to emerge and evolve. Growth is still visible but slow. Age 15 years visible pertumbuahn diameter has begun to stagnate and this is a slash and daurnya cooking instructions. Wooden terrace has formed 80% -90% of the cross sectional area of ​​the timber. At the age of 15 years the trees reach 80 cm diameter and stem height of about 20-25 meters.

Seed Procurement
In contrast to other types of hibiscus, hibiscus rarely produce seeds, therefore it should be done propagation by cuttings and grafts of primary and secondary branches. Even this way is difficult because of limited sources of seeds and cuttings resilience that only 2 days of cutting branches up to seeding. The use of enzymes and hormones in the transport is only able to help the vitality of cuttings to 5 days with the results of cutting 10% - 30%.

Making the nursery
Given the difficulty of seedlings, it is recommended to create a forest plant hibiscus to create a nursery / garden pruning. Spacing of 2x3m to make room at the time of branching. Seeding is done with a 2-level system is first rate with a plastic hood and a second level with sarlon 80% to maintain the temperature, light and humidity remain constant. To produce healthy seedlings need to be single or multiple chemical fertilizers. Nurseries / trim began to be harvested after beumur more than 6 months after planting to harvesting period 1 branch.

Land preparation and planting
Before planting should be done to better facilitate land clearing in the implementation of the planting. In preparing land for hibiscus plants do not need to be done perfectly because the plant is adaptable to soil conditions were filthy and bergulma. Waru can adapt to other plants so that hibiscus intercropped or alternating between a spacing of 3 x 3 meters.

Care and maintenance
Treatment in the form of replanting, weed control and fertilization if necessary. Toughest weeds are weeds and thinning at the age of 5 years, leaving standing only 300 trees per hectare. Guidelines for thinning and the expected end goal is in accordance with the general guidelines silvicultural theory. Trees felled for thinning are dwarf trees, diseased trees, trees with excessive lenticels, a tree with a very rapid growth that interfere with the growth of surrounding trees, trees with branching abnormal growth, its tree canopy widened. Spacing is intended to obtain: a good quality rod, optimal growing space, homogeneity or diameter and height of trees.
Waru rangkang plant is suitable for shade curbside, city parks, rehabilitation of plants and plant production. Branches and twigs are big and strong and broad leaves makes the underlying condition became very shady. The legend says that there was a farmer who has 1 rangkang Waru stem with a diameter of 100 cm can be made into 4 pieces tailgate. Waru rangkang very strong wood is believed to be even more powerful than Meranti from Indonesia, Kalimantan.

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