There are many types of plants that can be cultivated in Indonesia. Some types of plants even have economic value that is high enough so that cultivation can be a promising business opportunity. One type of plant that is quite popular and often cultivated sesame. Sesame seeds are used as an ingredient in food or traditional cakes. Demand for sesame high enough in the market to make farming more attractive sesame many people.
Plant characteristicsBefore discussing the sesame cultivation techniques, it helps you know at a glance about the characteristics of this plant. Plants are thought to have come from Ethiopia is known as a plant that has a high protein content. The physical characteristics of sesame crops among others is a form of upright stems, wood swept four, branched and has a flower.
Terms GrowingThese plants can thrive in soil with a height of 1 to 1200 meters above sea level. In addition, another growing requirement that must be considered in planting sesame sesame plant is very sensitive to high rainfall, low temperatures and cloudy weather. The ideal temperature for cultivation ranges between 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, while precipitation ideal ranges from 300 to 1000 mm.
Soil ConditionsSoil conditions also play an important role in how the cultivation of sesame plants. Type the best soil for this plant is a sandy loam soil. Ideal soil pH range of 5.5 to 8. Planting sesame on low ground is not recommended. In addition, the land must have good drainage.
HatcheryThe first stage in the cultivation of sesame is seeding. The sesame seed plant seed derived from the parent plant. Characteristics of a good seed to be used as seed, among others, is
derived from the parent plant that is healthy, free of pests and
diseases, free from all forms of dirt, intact form, not wrinkled, and is
derived from one variety.
Land PreparationThe second stage in the cultivation of sesame is land preparation. Before you start planting, it is better done tillage to improve soil quality to meet the growing requirements. The things that need to be done at this stage of the processing of
land is loosening the soil, provide fertilizer base, making drainage, as
well as a raised bed.Fertilizer that can be given is the type of manure at a dose of 15 to 20 tonnes / ha. If
necessary, may be given other types of fertilizers such as super TW at a
dose of 3.5 ton / ha or Harmony BS-1 at a dose of 8 liters / ha. While the size of the beds to be made is 10 x 120 cm x 40 cm. Need to be made also to the drainage ditch with widths of 40 cm and depth of 50 cm. As for the moat surrounding the land can be made with widths of 60 cm and depth of 60 cm.
PlantingBasically, sesame crop planting method can be divided into two types, namely planting in wetlands and planted on dry land. How to grow at almost the same wetland by planting on dry land. The only difference is the land management.To produce a crop with good quality, you have to pay attention to planting and spacing between plants. Spacing varies between 10 x 30 cm or 25 x 75 cm, depending on the variety cultivated. Varieties with little branching can use a closer spacing than the varieties that have many ramifications.In addition, you also have to pay attention to the cropping pattern. The cropping pattern is closely related to soil conditions. If you cultivate sesame in wetlands or paddy fields, cropping patterns began in the dry season. Conversely, if you grow sesame in dryland cropping begins in the rainy season.
MaintenanceThere are many different types of activities do you do to maintain your quality sesame cultivated plants. Fertilization is an important part of maintenance. Fertilizer that can be used is the type of urea at a dose of 100 Kg / Ha. Another action that needs to be done is replanting, weeding and pest control.
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