Saturday 12 December 2015

Walnut Tree (Juglans)

Walnuts (Juglans) are plants in the Juglandaceae family. He is the principal leafy shed, 10-40 meters high (approximately 30-130 feet), with leaves pinat 200-900 millimeters long (7-35 inches), with 5-25 leaflets, the shoot have the pith with the same features but not the principal wingnut hickory from the same family.

21 species in the family jut merentasi Old World temperate northern region of southeast Europe menghala simple east to Japan, and more widespread in the New World from southeast Canada menghala west to California and south to Argentina. Latin name, Juglans, originating than Jupiter glans, "Jupiter's acorn": as a metaphor, beans properly to god.

Words walnut comes from English Language Lama Wealhhnutu, intends "Bean Alien", wealh mean "foreign" (wealh similar to the term Welsh and Vlach; see * Walha and History of the term Vlach). [1] Walnut held so because he introduced rather than Gaul and Italy. The Latin name for the walnut was nux Gallica, peanut "Gallic".

Species and Classification
Renowned expert in this family is the Persian walnut (J. Regia, intends "Royal Walnut"), originating from the Balkans in southeast Europe, southwest & central Asia to the Himalayas and southwestern China. This species is grown widely to get the beans were tasty. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), garden Shahmirzad in Iran is the largest in the world (700-750 hectares). In Kyrgyzstan there sake only 230.700 hectares of forest fruits, walnuts, dominated by J. regia were substantially higher and form a canopy (Hemery and Popov 1998). In a country whose population does not speak in English, J. Regia is often called as the "English walnut"; in Great Britain, "Ordinary Walnut".

Black walnut (Juglans Nigra) is a regular in his native species in eastern North America, even also planted widely in other places. Nuts can be eaten, but fill holes smaller and have a very hard skin, and not grown overall for spending peanuts. The wood is particularly invaluable.

Principal Butternut (Juglans Cinerea) is also from eastern North America, where he is currently the species threatened by butternut disease, caused by a toadstool Sirococcus Clavigignenti. Leaves are 40-60 cm long, oblong-shaped fruit, the skin has a high ridge and fill holes very high in fat.

Black Walnut Hinds (Juglans Hindsii) originating from northern California, where it is widely used commercially for breeding staple J. Regia. Black walnut skin Hinds has no groove in such a characteristic black walnut.

Japanese walnut (Juglans Ailantifolia) similar to walnut Butternut, distinguished by the larger leaves and nuts along the 90 cm round (not square). Cordiformis diversity, often called a heart-shaped nuts; unusual name is the source of the name keratan Cardiocaryon.

Planting and usability
Two of the main commercial species are Juglans Regia for timber and nuts, and Juglans Nigra for timber. Both species have the same planting purposes and is grown on a large scale in a simple temperate zone.
Walnut very similar species that need light that benefit from protection from wind. Walnut is also highly resistant restless during drought.
Planting walnuts interlude in the fields with basic nitrogen fixation as Elaeagnus × ebbingei or Elaeagnus umbellata, and various species of alder an increase of 30% of the height and the principal winding (Hemery 2001).

For the principal to get the peanut plant, needs to be emphasized during the thoroughness chose the subject corresponding to the destination, although half of principal subsidiary marketed as "fertile own" he generally will bear fruit better with a partner differing flowery. There are various basic child available for growers, offering differing growth habit, flowering and leafy, fill holesflavor and thickness of the skin. One important property for peanuts North America and Europe with the latitude which leads to the north is phenology, with 'through the red' particularly important to circumvent the damage due to temperatures below freezing during the spring takat. Half of principal subsidiary bred for production systems approach 'fence', a system that was awoken in Europe and not commensurate with the more traditional garden system.

Waru Tree (Hibiscus Simillis Blume)

Many experts consider that Waru (Hibiscus Simillis Blume) as synonymous with Hibiscus Teliaceus, and H. Hastatus Celebicus. Some other experts argue simillis as sub species H. Simillis Teliaceus that regard as a small tree, bent, 10-15m high and 40-50cm in diameter. Backer even advocated the cultivation of this species for firewood, Koordus and Valeton assume that the use of wood Hibiscus simillis hardly used because wood is very small terrace.

In terms of ecology:
Existence of soil fertility improvement quickly. Waru has eksodat that allow roots to penetrate the rock and soil padas, roots able to break the stone into small rock, capable of forming the ecosystem diperakaran, cultivate microorganisms and roots are able to form mycorrhizae (mycoriza) making it easier for plants take nutrients available a more efficient and fertilize the soil physical, biological and chemical. The leaves are falling will quickly decayed into humus so that the forest floor is not flammable. Waru able to improve hydrological by improving water quality and regulate the water system.
From an economic point:
Easily grown, the ability to live 90% -100% significantly reduced the cost of planting, live simple terms, land preparation should not be so clean that land clearing costs are also low, 1 year old plants generally have shaped canopy that can compete with weeds so that the cost of maintenance or low maintenance, the plant is able to fertilize themselves so that fertilizer use can be minimized, short life cycle of around 12-15 years has had a diameter of 50 cm up and is quite advantageous economically, the physical properties of wood with a specific gravity of 0.6 fine fibers and straight and easy to work this wood can be used for various industrial and carpentry, can be planted anywhere in the tropics except for land podsol, undulatus and muddy. Can live well in all soil fertility and climate. Matches at an altitude of 0-700 meters above sea level.

Growth Patterns
Level "Juvenil" is the beginning of rapid growth so that the level of juvenile ended at the age of 3 years with a sign branching pattern that grows 5-6 primary branches periodically. Age 1 year occurred 3 periodicity shaped branching plagiotroph. In the second year began to form secondary branches. Level "Adolence" ie youth level after the age of 3 years, is growing very rapidly, beginning with the formation of flowers. Has begun to form wood porch. Branching Juvenis started shed. Adolence level ends after the age of 8 years and then get in on the initial maturity level. The initial level of maturity is characterized by the formation of the canopy, and tertiary branching twigs began to emerge and evolve. Growth is still visible but slow. Age 15 years visible pertumbuahn diameter has begun to stagnate and this is a slash and daurnya cooking instructions. Wooden terrace has formed 80% -90% of the cross sectional area of ​​the timber. At the age of 15 years the trees reach 80 cm diameter and stem height of about 20-25 meters.

Seed Procurement
In contrast to other types of hibiscus, hibiscus rarely produce seeds, therefore it should be done propagation by cuttings and grafts of primary and secondary branches. Even this way is difficult because of limited sources of seeds and cuttings resilience that only 2 days of cutting branches up to seeding. The use of enzymes and hormones in the transport is only able to help the vitality of cuttings to 5 days with the results of cutting 10% - 30%.

Making the nursery
Given the difficulty of seedlings, it is recommended to create a forest plant hibiscus to create a nursery / garden pruning. Spacing of 2x3m to make room at the time of branching. Seeding is done with a 2-level system is first rate with a plastic hood and a second level with sarlon 80% to maintain the temperature, light and humidity remain constant. To produce healthy seedlings need to be single or multiple chemical fertilizers. Nurseries / trim began to be harvested after beumur more than 6 months after planting to harvesting period 1 branch.

Land preparation and planting
Before planting should be done to better facilitate land clearing in the implementation of the planting. In preparing land for hibiscus plants do not need to be done perfectly because the plant is adaptable to soil conditions were filthy and bergulma. Waru can adapt to other plants so that hibiscus intercropped or alternating between a spacing of 3 x 3 meters.

Care and maintenance
Treatment in the form of replanting, weed control and fertilization if necessary. Toughest weeds are weeds and thinning at the age of 5 years, leaving standing only 300 trees per hectare. Guidelines for thinning and the expected end goal is in accordance with the general guidelines silvicultural theory. Trees felled for thinning are dwarf trees, diseased trees, trees with excessive lenticels, a tree with a very rapid growth that interfere with the growth of surrounding trees, trees with branching abnormal growth, its tree canopy widened. Spacing is intended to obtain: a good quality rod, optimal growing space, homogeneity or diameter and height of trees.
Waru rangkang plant is suitable for shade curbside, city parks, rehabilitation of plants and plant production. Branches and twigs are big and strong and broad leaves makes the underlying condition became very shady. The legend says that there was a farmer who has 1 rangkang Waru stem with a diameter of 100 cm can be made into 4 pieces tailgate. Waru rangkang very strong wood is believed to be even more powerful than Meranti from Indonesia, Kalimantan.

Widuri (Calotropis Gigantea)

Widuri which has the Latin name Dryand Calotropis Gigantea is a plant that can be found in almost all parts of Indonesia, and the thistle plant is also found in other areas eg: China, Malaysia, Britain, Thailand, the Philippines, and others. Thistle are generally the wild plants that live in the coastal areas, the ground-ground field, and in the meadows get a lot of sunlight.
Because it has spread to all parts of the world, the thistle or Calatropis giganteaini also has a common name, among others Madaar, Shwet Ankh (White of Eye) Giant milk weed, Crown flower, Swallow-wort, apple Sodom (Calotropis Procera).
Widuri or Calotropis gigantea form perennial shrub that can reach ± ​​0.5 -2 m.
Calotropis gigantea cylindrical rod with simpodial branching, whitish green color due waxed. If plated rod wounded will issue a milky white sap.
Calotropis gigantea leaves in the form of single-stemmed leaves short, thick, oval upside down, with the distinctive green color of leaves with a distinctive color. Flat leaf edge average, bone pinnate leaves. The top surface of the thick-haired young leaves, when parents become bald.
Position Calotropis Gigantea leaves grow opposite each other and with the intermittent position. between the two leaves will usually grow shoots / branches.
Calotropis Gigantea flower in the form of compound interest, rocky and long-stemmed, not have petals.
Calotropis Gigantea petals purple whitish waxy, anthers wide-angle 5, yellow-green, above the exotic angular shaped tube 5, colored purple, flowers growing in the armpits of leaves at the end or terminal portion.
Calotropis gigantea its fruit ovoid elongated like a tube with a hook-shaped end. green, 9-10 cm long. Seeds are small, oval, flat, brown, short hair and thick, similar to the lobe silk hair long, so that the seeds can be blown by the wind. Thistle can be propagated by seed.

Wijaya Kusuma Flowers (Epiphyllum Oxypetalum)

Wijaya Kusuma Flowers (Epiphyllum Oxypetalum) is a flower belonging to the hanging flower. This flowering plant has white flowers with long stalks sticking.Wijaya Kusuma flowers also have leaves that are a little wide and long with the bone structure of the leaves and the leaves are limp. These flowers are usually planted in pots and either hung on the wall or roof terrace of the house. When the flowers have started to emerge, it is very beautiful when viewed. This rare plant flowers bloom at night time, then wither, buds back in the morning. If you intend to plant these flowers then simply read the following guidelines:
Flower nursery is done by splitting the root clump clump of seedlings. The trick first select and separate the seeds from breeders. Try to find a clump of sires are many and well. Having already be separated then can be directly planted in a planting medium that has been prepared.
First prepare the soil and manure / compost (1: 1) that has been thoroughly mixed. Once the seedlings are ready to be planted earlier in the planting medium that has been prepared beforehand. Make sure the seeds planted and already backfilled again properly. Give flush regularly to make good growth.
Flush regularly when the plant will be dry and very hot weather only. Give the fertilizer in the form of fertilizers and organic puppuk as growth nutrients. Give regularly every 2-2.5 months.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Sesame (Sesamum Indicum)

There are many types of plants that can be cultivated in Indonesia. Some types of plants even have economic value that is high enough so that cultivation can be a promising business opportunity. One type of plant that is quite popular and often cultivated sesame. Sesame seeds are used as an ingredient in food or traditional cakes. Demand for sesame high enough in the market to make farming more attractive sesame many people.

Plant characteristicsBefore discussing the sesame cultivation techniques, it helps you know at a glance about the characteristics of this plant. Plants are thought to have come from Ethiopia is known as a plant that has a high protein content. The physical characteristics of sesame crops among others is a form of upright stems, wood swept four, branched and has a flower.

Terms GrowingThese plants can thrive in soil with a height of 1 to 1200 meters above sea level. In addition, another growing requirement that must be considered in planting sesame sesame plant is very sensitive to high rainfall, low temperatures and cloudy weather. The ideal temperature for cultivation ranges between 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, while precipitation ideal ranges from 300 to 1000 mm. 
Soil ConditionsSoil conditions also play an important role in how the cultivation of sesame plants. Type the best soil for this plant is a sandy loam soil. Ideal soil pH range of 5.5 to 8. Planting sesame on low ground is not recommended. In addition, the land must have good drainage. 
HatcheryThe first stage in the cultivation of sesame is seeding. The sesame seed plant seed derived from the parent plant. Characteristics of a good seed to be used as seed, among others, is derived from the parent plant that is healthy, free of pests and diseases, free from all forms of dirt, intact form, not wrinkled, and is derived from one variety. 
Land PreparationThe second stage in the cultivation of sesame is land preparation. Before you start planting, it is better done tillage to improve soil quality to meet the growing requirements. The things that need to be done at this stage of the processing of land is loosening the soil, provide fertilizer base, making drainage, as well as a raised bed.Fertilizer that can be given is the type of manure at a dose of 15 to 20 tonnes / ha. If necessary, may be given other types of fertilizers such as super TW at a dose of 3.5 ton / ha or Harmony BS-1 at a dose of 8 liters / ha. While the size of the beds to be made is 10 x 120 cm x 40 cm. Need to be made also to the drainage ditch with widths of 40 cm and depth of 50 cm. As for the moat surrounding the land can be made with widths of 60 cm and depth of 60 cm. 
PlantingBasically, sesame crop planting method can be divided into two types, namely planting in wetlands and planted on dry land. How to grow at almost the same wetland by planting on dry land. The only difference is the land management.To produce a crop with good quality, you have to pay attention to planting and spacing between plants. Spacing varies between 10 x 30 cm or 25 x 75 cm, depending on the variety cultivated. Varieties with little branching can use a closer spacing than the varieties that have many ramifications.In addition, you also have to pay attention to the cropping pattern. The cropping pattern is closely related to soil conditions. If you cultivate sesame in wetlands or paddy fields, cropping patterns began in the dry season. Conversely, if you grow sesame in dryland cropping begins in the rainy season. 
MaintenanceThere are many different types of activities do you do to maintain your quality sesame cultivated plants. Fertilization is an important part of maintenance. Fertilizer that can be used is the type of urea at a dose of 100 Kg / Ha. Another action that needs to be done is replanting, weeding and pest control.

Carrot (Daucus Carota)

What was the carrot ?? Carrots or carrots Latin name Daucus carota L. is a plant tuber vegetables are usually orange or white. Carrot is a biennial plant (life cycle of 12 -24 months) and classified on seasonal crops. Carrot plants are short-lived plant that ranges from 70-120 days depending on the variety.

Morphological features of plants of carrot leaves carrot plants including the leaves are compound, pinnate double two or three and stemmed. Her short stems so almost invisible, round, somewhat loud and 1-1.5 cm in diameter. Carrots have a taproot and fibers. The flowers grow at the end of the crop and double umbrella-shaped white and pink rather pale. Carrot seeds are seeds covered and shaped into pieces of two-color with a length of 3 mm and 1.5 mm. While the tuber is formed of a taproot changed into a backup storage of foods such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.
There are several factors that influence the growth of carrots such as soil, temperature, precipitation, humidity, and solar radiation intensity. Carrots are usually grown on soil with good soil structure texture like andosol, alluvial, regosol and latosol usually found in the highlands but also can be cultivated in the lowlands. While the degree of acidity of the soil is suitably 5.5 - 6.5. temperature also affects primarily on metabolic processes, photosynthesis, transpiration, enzyme activity, absorption, absorption of nutrients and others. The optimum temperature for growth of carrots is 15.6 - 21.1 ° C, but if at a temperature of 26 ° C with a height of 500 m above sea level will produce tubers that are less satisfactory. While the temperature is too high will produce tubers are short and small. Precipitation also affect the productivity of the plant carrots, if the water shortage will hinder growth meal. Areas suitable for growing carrots is an area that has a wet climate (15-3 dry months in a year) and the climate is rather moist (3 - 4.5 months dry within 1 year) but carrot also tolerant of climate is very wet (0 - 1.5 dry months in one year). Air humidity suitable for growing carrots is 80 -90%. In addition, the intensity of solar radiation also affect the process of photosynthesis. The plants will show symptoms such etiolation grow elongated, thin, weak and pale when less sunlight. Such conditions cause the plants will form a tuber.
Things - things done in planting carrots are:
Preparation of seed:
To obtain optimal results, the source of seeds into the carrot seed should qualify as the plants grow lush and strong, is derived from the short-lived species, uniform shape, free of pests and diseases (healthy), and high production. The procedure for the preparation of carrot seeds are Choosing a good carrot seed that is derived from the varieties, pure and high kecambahnya power (over 90%). Rub the carrot seeds by using both hands to seed between one and the other attaches no. Carrot seeds soak in cold water for 12 -24 hours or in a nail Hangan water (60 ° C) for 15 minutes. The aim is to speed up the germination process. Drain carrot seeds in a container and carrot seeds are ready to be planted in soil.
Carrot seed is sown directly in the soil planting, spread evenly on beds or with dicicir elongated in a row. Row spacing of about 15 cm, then if it has grown to be done so that the thinning of carrot plants within 3-5 cm of each other. Carrot seeds will begin to germinate after 8-12 days. The pile formation
Cultivate the land using a hoe until crumbly soil structure increases. Beds-beds created with width 120-150 cm, height 30-40 cm, while the distance between beds is 50-60 cm and length depending on the state of the land.
Liming is done when the pH of acidic soils under 5 is by sprinkling lime materials such as Calcit, Dolomite or Zeagro 1 evenly on the soil surface. Lime dosage in the range of 0.75 to 10.24 tonnes / ha. mixing chalk with top soil (top soil) while inverted until completely evenly. If it does not rain, which had been limed soil should be watered until quite wet.
Planting techniques
Garden soil that has been dug as deep as 30-40 cm, made beds of plants as wide as ± 100 cm and also made guritan a distance of ± 20 cm. How to planting carrot seeds, namely through the stages as follows: Spread or sprinkle carrot seeds evenly in the grooves / kerf-kerf already available. Closing carrot seeds with thin soil that is as deep as 0.5-1 cm. making shallow grooves are 5cm from the seed row direction (lengthwise) to lay the basic fertilizer. Type of fertilizer given a mixture of TSP ± 400 kg (± 200 kg P2 O5 / ha) and KCl 150 kg (± 75 kg K2O / ha). spread the fertilizer evenly, then cover them with a thin soil. closes each kerf (groove) with dry leaves or banana leaf midrib for ± 7-10 days to prevent runoff carrot seeds by sprinkling water and also serves to maintain the stability of soil moisture. After carrot seeds grown in the ground, then cover was soon reopened.
Plant Maintenance
Carrot plant maintenance by performing thinning and replanting, weeding, pembubunan, fertilization, and irrigation and watering the plants carrots. carrot plants require adequate water in the early phase of growth, so it needs to be watered (irrigated) continuously ie 1-2 times a day, especially during the dry season. The type of fertilizer used in the subsequent fertilization is urea or ZA. Dose of urea fertilizer used is 100 kg / ha or ZA 200 kg / ha. Timing of supplementary fertilizer can be carried out simultaneously with the weeding activities, namely when the plant carrot ages 1 month. Fertilizing good way is to spread evenly in the grooves or incorporated into a manure pit (drill) 5-10 cm depth of carrots, then covered with soil and watered or irrigated until slightly damp.
Plant Pests and Diseases
Pests that attack crops of carrots is ground caterpillar (Agrotis ipsilon Hufn.), Aphids (aphids, Aphis spp.), Flies or larvae you see (Psila Rosae). While the disease that often attacks the plant carrots is Cercospora leaf spot, root nodule Nematodes, Alternaria Rot. Chemical control can be done using the insecticide Furadan 3 G or 3 G Indofuran at the time of planting or sprayed with Hostathion 40 EC and others at the recommended concentration.
Carrots can be harvested after 100 days, depending on its type. Harvesting should not be delayed because the tubers will increasingly harden (woody) and is not preferred by consumers.
Harvest done by pulling the entire plant and its tubers and roots or soil advance to the harvesting process easier. Harvesting should be done the morning in order to be marketed.
Post-harvest: choose good bulbs and separate the bulbs are broken, flawed, and foul. After that store the harvest of carrots on the container or room temperature is cool and well ventilated. Tubers carrots into bonds so practical and easy to transport and storage.
Carrots are known to contain a lot of protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, beta-carotene (vitamin A), vitamin B, vitamin C, glutathione, containing Ca, Mg, Fe, P, S and Cl. The carrot can cures efficacious in several diseases such as high blood pressure, tighten the facial skin, high cholesterol, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, hepatitis, and prevent stroke.

Olive Olea Europaea

In 'Finding Blessing Lost', which among other things explains blessing as something that contains the goodness that very, very many. Night blessing worth about 29,500 times that of the other evening, pray at the Grand Mosque in Mecca blessed - even 100,000 times the value of prayer in other places. Imagine if we could bring it to the blessings around us, among others, through a blessed tree.

Using the analogy of the value of the night Laylat al Qadr and the blessed city of Mecca, God willing will be easier for us to understand how blessed tree - the olives - it could be a blessing that is very, very much, which is worth tens of thousand to one hundred thousand times that of other trees.
To be able to share the blessing of the olive tree to understand how it can be explained as follows:

Olive trees aged 1 year as shown below, Alhamdulillah can with relative ease produce 3 new olive trees with micro-cutting technology in one branch or branches. This technique requires only 4 to 6 leaf segment (about 10 cm) branches or twigs could be going to a new tree.

After this year (1 year old trees) produced 3 new trees, next year God willing there will be a minimum of three branches that could be cut again each into 3 new seedlings. Meaning trees a year now, when she was two years old he could produce 9 new tree plus 3 from the previous year, and so on.

In the seven years until 2020, the olive tree which is now one year old after offspring, God willing could produce about 7 million trees. This is possible with micro-cutting technique - which only requires branches / twigs small round about 10 cm of 4-6 leaf segments mentioned above.
The work is very large and heavy that certainly can not be done alone. Hopefully the great work we will share his knowledge and the seed so that it can be done-do by the public. Another great work is to find land where we can together to plant the tree later.

Necessary land area of ​​about 43 million hectares to plant a tree or about 5 times the area of ​​oil palm plantations in Indonesia today.
Not possible to obtain this area? may anyway possible but it certainly will not be easy because the 43 million hectares of land is the equivalent of approximately 22% of the area of ​​Indonesia. Not that we will plant 22% of Indonesia's land with olives, but the math is to show that even if we want to meet Indonesia with olive trees-even; seed which is now highly enough to do it.

Netherlands only need to bring four oil palm seeds for later Indonesia became the largest oil producer in the world within a few hundred years later. What we have now is not just the four seed, but a thousand seeds - that its duplication with micro-cutting can be much faster than the doubling of oil. That is mathematically-becomes very possible to grow olives in a way which is as massive planting.

More than that the olive is a blessed tree, which reportedly came directly from the All-knowing.

"Allah (giver) light (to) the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is like a hole that is not transparent, in which there is a lamp. Lamp is in a glass (and) the glass as it were a star (glowing) like pearls, which is lit with oil from a blessed tree, (ie) the olive tree, neither of the east (anything) nor next west (her), whose oil (only) almost illuminating, though no fire touched. Light upon light (layered), Allah guides to His light whom He wills, and Allah perpetrate for humans, and Allah knows all things. "(Qur'an 24:35).

So when needed hundreds of years to make Indonesia the largest oil producer in the world, it only takes about 10 years for Indonesia to equal the production of olive oil as big as the palm oil production now.

Oil production data mentioned above only until 2020 when the majority of the tree have not borne fruit, God willing all the trees will bear fruit within four years later, or 2023 - that is when the olive oil could replace us now.

This is the blessing that should perhaps form we can achieve it. Olives do not require the factory to make oil, which means that people can more easily be encourage to plant and cultivate themselves. So it was really a blessing of the rights of all people.

That the olive is a blessed tree - it is certainly true because God himself who proclaim, mathematics above only aids us to understand how the blessing very much that we can present all around us. Micro-cutting technique to multiply the olive trees of each of the leaf segments 4-6 God willing will also be part of the training in the community Indonesia after all the results of our experiments showed stable results. Insya Allah.