Monday, 29 August 2011



(Cocos nucifera)

1.1. Brief History

Coconut plantation crops / industry in the form of tree trunks straight from the family Palmae. There are two opinions on the origins of oil that is from South America by DF Cook, Van Martius Beccari and Thor Herjerdahl and from Asia or the Indo-Pacific by Berry, Werth, Mearil, Mayurathan, Lepesma, and Pureseglove. Coco word was first used by Vasco da Gama, or can also be called Nux Indica, al djanz Al Kindi, ganz-ganz, nargil, narlie, tenga, temuai, coconut, and the tree of life.

1.2. Investment Centers

Coconut is widely available in countries of Asia and the Pacific that produces 5.276 million tonnes (82%) of world production with an area of ​​± 8.875 million ha (1984) covering 12 countries, while the rest of the countries in Africa and South America. Indonesia is the largest Coconut (3.334 million ha in 1990) spread in Riau, Central Java, West Java, East Java, Jambi, Aceh, North Sumatra, North Sulawesi, NTT, Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi and the Moluccas, but the Filipinos under production (2.472 million tons with area of ​​3.112 million ha), amounting to 2.346 million tonnes.

1.3. Types of Plants

Coconut (Cocos nucifera) including familia Palmae divided into three: (1) Coconut in a variety viridis (green coconut), rubescens (red coconut), Macrocorpu (coconut gray), Sakarina (coconut sweet, (2) Coconut varieties genjah Eburnea ( ivory palm), regia varieties (king palm), pumila (coconut quail), pretiosa (king coconut Malabar), and (3) Coconut hybrid

1.4. Benefits of Plants

Coconut tree called life, because every part of the plant can be utilized as follows: (1) coir: coir fiber, mats, brooms, mats, fabric spring bed, (2) shell: charcoal, active carbon and crafts, (3) meat fruit: copra, coconut oil, coconut cream, coconut milk, grated dry coconut (desiccated coconut), (4) coconut water: vinegar, Nata de Coco, (5) rods klelapa: building materials for the frame or the roof, (6) coconut leaves : Lidi for brooms, woven goods (party decorations or Mayang), (7) sap of coconut: brown sugar (coconut)


2.1. Climate


Coconut grows well in areas with rainfall between 1300-2300 mm / year, even up to 3800 mm or more, as long as the soil has good drainage. However, the distribution of rainfall, the ability of soil to hold rainwater and ground water depth, is more important than the amount of rainfall throughout the year.

Wind plays an important role in pollinating flowers (for cross pollination) and plant transpiration.

Coconut liked the long exposure to sunlight with a minimum of 120 hours / month as an energy source of photosynthesis. When shaded, the growth of young plants and fruit will be too late.

Coconut is very sensitive to low temperatures and grow best at a temperature of 20-27 degrees C. At a temperature of 15 degrees C, there will be changes in physiological and morphological plant coconut.

Coconut grows well in average monthly rH 70-80% minimum of 65%. When the air is very low rH, high evapotranspiration, plant drought early fruit fall (before cooking), but when the rH is too high causing pests and diseases

2.2. Media Plant


Coconut plants grown on different soil types such as alluvial, laterite, volcanic, sandy, clay, or rocky ground, but the best in alluvial deposits.

Coconuts can thrive at pH 5-8, optimum at pH 5.5-6,5. In soil with pH above 7.5 and there is no balance of nutrients, often show symptoms of iron deficiency and manganese.

Coconut requires available soil water conditions ie when the moisture content of soil at a rate of evapotranspirasirasi or when water supply plus rainfall during a month is greater than or equal to potential evapotranspiration, the soil water is available. Soil water balance is influenced by physical properties of soil especially organic matter content and soil cover conditions. Container or the desired minimum soil depth of 80-100 cm.

Coconut plants require land that is flat (0-3%). At the level of land slope is high (30-50%) should be created terraces to prevent soil damage by erosion, maintain soil fertility and improve soil that had erasi.

2.3. Altitude Place
Coconut plants grow well lowland areas with optimal height of 0-450 m above sea level. At an altitude of 450-1000 m above sea level late fruiting time, the production of small and low oil levels.


3.1. Nurseries

3.1.1. Seed Requirements

Terms of the parent tree is 20-40 years old, the production of high (80-120 grains / tree / year) continuously with high levels of copra (25 kg / tree / year), strong and straight trunk with a crown-shaped sperical (spherical) or semisperical, leaves and strong stems, free of pests and diseases.

Characteristic of ripe fruit for seed, that is, age ± 12 months, 4 / 5 parts of the skin is brown, round and slightly oval shape, fiber is not wound, does not contain the pest, fruit length 22-25 cm, 17-22 cm wide pieces, smooth and seamless fruit, juice enough, when shaken by a loud sound.

3.1.2. Seed Preparation

Seed selection as required, rest the seeds for ± 1 month in a warehouse with fresh air and dry conditions, do not leak, does not directly exposed to sunlight and air temperature of 25-27 degrees C in the barn and done by piling the fruit in a single pyramidal height of 1m and routinely observed.

3.1.3. Seed Seeding Techniques



Terms location of the nursery: a flat topography, good drainage, near water sources with considerable numbers, near the planting site.

Seedbed preparation or polybag
Friable deep tillage to 30-40 cm, form beds with a width of 2 m, height 25 cm and length depends land with 60-80 m spacing between beds For poly bags, made of polyethylene / poliprophylene black with size 50 x 40 cm and 0.2 mm thick, the bottom of the hole diameter of 0.5 cm by 7.5 cm spacing between holes as many as 48 pieces for aeration and drainage and filled with finely ground top soil (if soil sand should be mixed 2:1 by weight) as high as 2 / 3.

Nursery, with a slit width of ± 5 cm seed in fiber protrusion facing the side of the widest side of the stalk with a sharp instrument, and should not be repeated.

Desifektan seeds with insecticides and fungicides (Azodrin 60 EC 4F difolatan 0.1% and 0.1%) for two minutes.

Planting seeds in the soil as deep as 2 / 3 of the incision facing upwards and mikrofil to the east.

Planting by the position of the triangle intersect. Each one square meter can be charged 30-35 seeds or 25,000 points for one hectare area.
- Old nursery 5-7 months; spacing of 60x60x60 cm; number of seeds 24.000/ha.
- Old nursery 7-9 months; spacing of 60x60x60 cm; number of seeds 17.000/ha.
- Old nursery 9-11 months; spacing of 60x60x60 cm; number of seeds 1.000/ha.

When sowing in the seedbed, then after the seeds germinate (sprout length 3-4 cm) should be transferred to polybags.

Nursery in polybags lasts for 6-12 months, leafless and ± 6 strands of 90-100 cm high.

Nurseries Kitri

Terms of places: the land flat, open, near water, near arel cropping, fairly fertile and easily monitored

How to make beds:
- Soil processing depth of 30-40 cm, cleaned of weeds / rocks and digemburkan.
- Forms of bed measuring 6 x 2 x 0.2 meters with 80 cm spacing between beds, as a drainage channel.

Mengajir: Mengajir accordance with the spacing of seedlings of 60 x 60 x 60 cm.

Planting sprouts:
- Plant a seed sprouts according to the size.
- Plant a seedling in the hole with the embedded to the base plumula.

3.1.4. Maintenance Seeding

Maintenance at the nursery, including:


Watering, made using yells or springkel in two days I 5 liter/m2/hari, every morning and afternoon, and then 6 liter/m2/hari. To determine whether or not watering enough, then after 2 hours at the incision is pressed with the thumb, when out of water so watering has been enough.

Cleaning of grasses to prevent pests and disease and host.

Maintenance at the time of breeding, namely:


Watering, made up of saturated, then be doused with yells, hose or spingkel in the morning and afternoon. Needs watering per polybag per day, depending on the age of seedlings.

Protection, with the provision of insecticide or fungicide with an average dose of 2 cc / liter and sprayed on plants until the wet and uneven.

Weeding, is done every month, with mechanical and herbicide.

Fertilization, ie Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potassium and Magnesium are conducted once every month with mencampurakannya polybag into 3 cm thick soil.

Selection of seedlings, including: separating a dwarf plant, exposed to disease and pests and is done continuously at intervals of 1 month after 1-month-old seedlings Conditions good seed:

3.1.5. Seed removal

Transfer of seedlings should be during the rainy season, by the way:


Seeds kitri; transferred in the form of seeds scraped from nursery seedlings are dismantled. Age of seedlings when the transfer has reached 9-12 months. The transfer must be cautious and guarded kitri the objec intact.

Polybag seedlings; moved at the age of 9-12 months. Two to three days before being moved out of the polybag roots should be cut.

3.2. Media Processing Plant

Preparation that is needed is the cultivation of land preparation and implementation of the survey. The goal is to determine the type of plant, soil slope, soil conditions, determine the need for labor, materials and costs necessary paralatan.

3.2.2. Land Opening


Forested land. Activities undertaken include: (a) the felling shrubs or perdubahkan didongkel when possible, collected, dried and burned, (b) The felling of trees, with a height depending on size of tree felling.

Land the old palm plants. Old coconut trees felled on the root neck. Where possible palm trunks can be sold as building materials.

The area of ​​reeds.

Actions taken can be divided into two kinds, namely:


High reeds <>

Reed tripe becomes ± 20 cm, then allowed to regrow to 30-40 cm.

Spray with a herbicide containing the active ingredient glyphosate (Round up) as much as 5 liters, 2.4 diamine, MSMA, and Dowpon. Pengguanan Round-up for each hectare is required.

After two weeks, spraying a correction by using a round-up spot spraying as much as 0.5 liters per hectare

Reed height> 80 cm; As in point 2 and 3 for the reed <>

Former agricultural land
No need pembuakaan land again, and can be directly carried out the actions pengajiran, making a planting hole, planting legumes and other necessary measures further.

3.2.3. Establishment of beds
Beds made circular with a diameter of 200 cm locations to prevent the rain into the neck of the plant stems of seedlings.

3.2.4. Liming
Liming done when the soil has a high acidity. Carried on soil liming to pH 6-8.

3.2.5. Fertilization
Fertilization using TSP fertilizer as much as 300 grams for each hole (the location of the planted) by top soil mixed with soil in the north of the hole, then put the soil in the hole.

3.3. Planting techniques

3.3.1. Determination of Planting Pattern
A good cropping system is a triangular planting system for utilization of land and capture the sun will be maximum. Spacing is 9 x 9 x 9 meters, with this pattern the number of plants will be more 15% of the system squares.

3.3.2. Preparation of Planting Holes

Preparation of the planting hole be at least 1-2 months before planting to eliminate the acidity of the soil, measuring 60 x 60 x 60 cm up to 100 x 100 x 100 cm. Making holes on sloping land (> 20o) is done by making an individual terrace width of 1:25 m in the direction and 1 m above the slope toward the slope below. Terrace sloped 10 degrees inward.

3.3.3. Planting Method

Planting is done at the beginning of the rainy season, when rain falls regularly and enough to wet the soil; planting time is in months after the rainfall in the previous month to reach 200 mm. The way of planting is as follows:


Top soil mixed with phosphate fertilizer 300 grams per hole and inserted into the planting hole.

Polybag circular cut on the bottom, inserted into the planting hole, and made slices to the end, bejkas polybag then hung on stakes to make sure that the polybag is removed from the planting hole. Planting should be the same direction.

Ditimbuan seeds land in the south and north of the hole, compacted with ketebalajn 3-5 cm above the seedlings of coconut coir.

Needs seeds 1 ha, if spacing 9 x 9 x 9 m, equilateral triangle, is a 143 stem and seed reserves that should be provided for embroidery 17 batangj, so the number of seeds that must be provided 160 rods.

3.3.4. Other


After planting, the soil around tanjaman covered with mulch (green leaves of bushes, weeds or other grasses and straw).

Planting cover crops
Done before the rainy season with family Legminosae (Legume Cover Crop, LCC) to seed the ground cover does not rot. The advantage suppress weed growth and development of pest Oryctes rhinoceros, fix nitrogen content and improve soil structure, reduce evaporation, prevent erosion and retain runoff, decrease the amplitude of the temperature day and night.

3.4. Plant Maintenance

3.4.1. Thinning and Stitching

Stitching done on growing dwarf plants attacked by pests and diseases, severe and dead, performed during the rainy season after the previous crop didongkel and burned in the dry season. Needs of plants depending on climate and intensity of maintenance is usually to 143 stems / ha 17 stems.

3.4.2. Weeding

Weeding done on disc 1 meter in width, 1.5 meters in the second, third and 2 meters. The way to use leftovers or machete swung inward, cutting the weeds until the limit of the soil surface at intervals of 4 weeks of weeding once (rainy season) or 6 weeks-2 months (dry season).

3.4.3. Pembubunan
Done after the crop yield by heap soil around the tree on the upper surface to cover part of the trunk near the roots.

3.4.4. Perempalan
Made to cover the leaves and flowers that have been dry (brown), with how to climb coconut trees to fall or be left alone.

3.4.5. Fertilization

Fertilization is done if the land can not meet the required nutrients.
a) At the age of 1 month were given 100 grams of urea / tree spread at a distance of 15 cm from the base of the stem.
b) Next two times a year ie in April / May (end of rainy season) and October / November (beginning of rainy season).

Method of fertilizer application:


spread in a circle surrounding the plant.

Fertilizer N, K, Mg administered concurrently while the P 2 weeks earlier.

Prior to nitrogen fertilizer is given, the land digemburkan to avoid mixing with phosphate fertilizer as it can be detrimental. On immature plants disebarkaan 30 cm from the base of the stem to the edge of the canopy.

Cover with soil manure spreading area.

Coconut crop fertilizer doses according to age of plants (g / tree):


When planting: RP = 100 grams / tree.

One month after the plant: Urea = 100 grams / tree, TSP = 100 grams / tree, KCl = 100 grams / tree, Kieserite = 50 grams / tree.

The first year

Application I: Urea = 200 grams / tree, KCl = 300 grams / tree, Kieserite 100 grams / tree.

Applications II: Urea = 200 grams / tree, TSP = 250 grams / tree, KCl = 300 grams / tree, Kieserite = 100 grams / tree, Borax = 10 grams / tree

Sophomore year

Application I: Urea = 350 grams / tree, KCl = 450 grams / tree, Kieserite = 150 grams / tree.

Applications II: Urea = 350 grams / tree, TSP = 600 grams / tree, KCl = 450 grams / tree, Kieserite = 150 grams / tree and Borax 25 grams / tree.

Third Year

Application I: Urea = 500 g / tree, KCl = 600 grams / tree, Kieserite = 200 grams / tree.

Applications II: Urea = 500 g / tree, TSP = 800 grams / tree, KCl = 600 grams / tree and Kieserite = 200 grams / tree.

Fourth Year

Application I: Urea = 500 g / tree, KCl = 600 grams / tree, Kieserite = 200 grams / tree.

Applications II: Urea = 500 g / tree, TSP = 800 grams / tree, KCl = 600 grams / tree and Kieserite = 200 grams / tree.
Baca secara fonetik
Beri peringkat terjemahan

3.4.6. Irrigation and Watering
Watering is done in the dry season to prevent dryness done two or three days once in the evening. You do this by pouring water through ditches in sekitarbedengan or by direct watering.

3.4.7. Pesticide Spraying Time
Done every 20 days with use traditional Sevin 85 WP, 10 grams Basudin, Bayrusil 25 EC with kosenttrasi eraser 0.4% 0.6% 10 days or every 20 days. I use the sprayer.

3.4.8. Other

Repair drainage / wash ditch / drain got done early rainy season by the way: memabat weeds in ditches, raking weeds with a hoe on the channel walls, are collected in the middle, separate the weed to the ground by menghempas-hempaskan weeds with a hoe and remove all dirt from the trenches , lift soil erosion into the trench, the trench form according to the size, keep the water can flow properly, execution begins from the estuary to the upstream.

There are several ways to sanitation in the cultivation of coconut, among others:


Sanitary manner Hurdles

burning scrap wood in gawangan with caution.

collecting trash and scrap wood at high gawangan with no more than 40 cm, wide stacks 1 x 1 meter.

How to sanitation tree

freed from all impurities tree crowns and dry ingredients in gawangan.

Burn with caution.

3.5. Pests and Diseases

3.5.1. Pests shoots


Coconut beetle (Oryctes Rhinoceros)
Characteristics: the shape of a beetle with a size of 20-40 mm black color to the shape of horns on the head Symptoms: (1) These pests damage plants aged 1-2 years, (2) 0-1 year old plants, the hole at the base of the stem may cause death growing point or terpuntirnya midrib of leaves that were damaged, (3) in mature plants occur on the midrib youngest hole that has not been open, (4) a characteristic that caused the cut leaf shaped like a triangle, (5) a dangerous stage is stage imago (adult ) is a beetle; Control: (1) orchard sanitation of the remains of felled palm trunks (2) the use of viruses and Mettarrizium Bacullovirus oryctes arrisophiae; (3) gives carbofura (Furadan 3G) or carbaryl (Sevin 5G) 10/pohon with intervals of 2 months.

Sago beetle (Rhynchophorus ferruginous)
Characteristics: imago, beetle-shaped with a 11-18 day gestation period. Its hallmark is staying in the cocoon until hard. Symptoms: destroy the roots of young plants, stem and canopy, canopy damage in adult plants, the shoots gerekan cause broken tops, burrow gerekan out red-brown colored mucus. Control: (1) avoid injury, when the wound was covered, (2) cut and burn the infected plants, (3) garden sanitation, (4) is Thursday with the insecticide Thiodan 35 EC 2-3 cc / liter of solution, Basudin 10 G and Sevin 85 SP on the wound and it is estimated there are sago beetle attacks;

3.5.2. Pests Leaves


Sexava sp
Characteristics: grasshopper perfectly with the size of 70-90 mm, green sometimes brown. Developmental period of 40 days. Symptoms: (1) destroy old leaves and in urgent situations, also damage the young leaves, fruit peel and flowers; (2) rampant in the dry season, (3) to attack the great palm leaf rib-lidinya lived alone.
Control: (1) mechanical means: to destroy eggs and nimfanya, catch grasshoppers (in Sumatra with mixed adhesive Agrocide, Lidane or HCH, which is mounted around the shaft) to impede females lay eggs in the base of the stem and the nymphs will catch up to the tree, (2 ) how technical culture: planting cover crops (LCC), for example, Centrosema sp., Calopogonium sp., etc., (3) how to Thursday: menyrmprot with one or more insecticides, such as BHC or 19.2 Endrin EC 2cc/liter water, sprayed around the base of the stem up to 1 meter high, the soil around the base of the stem diameter of 1.5 m 6 liters / tree. Other insecticides that can be used: Sumithion 50 EC, 25 EC Surecide, Basudin Elsan 90 SC or 50 EC, (4) biological means: using parasitic Leefmansia bicolor but the results are not satisfactory.

Lice Aspidiotus sp
Characteristics: flea armored, winged males with a size of 1.5 to 2 females, male 0.5 mm. Imago male red / pink and yellow to red females. Symptoms: (1) yellow blotches on the lower leaf surface, (2) in severe attacks the leaves grayish-red color, not developing (still small), not straight, then editorial droop and die, (3) due to an attack in 2-5 years time would not bear fruit. Control: use of natural enemies are predators or parasites Cryptognatha nodiceps Marshall Comperiella unifasciata Ishii.

Parasa lepida
Characteristics: butterfly wing 32-38 mm berentang golden yellow young, ± 375-day growth period. Symptoms: children eating a lower leaves of the local-local, but not until translucent, leaving ketaman / bite widened so that the living veins and leaf tissue above, the older caterpillars destroy the leaves from the edge to the center until lidinya, onslaught live lidinya and appear bald. Control: (1) using natural enemies of the caterpillar parasite Apanteles parasae (2) the cocoon of the parasitic flies can use your Chaetexorista Javana, (3) perogolan trees attacked during the caterpillar stage, or by collecting its cocoon, (4) spraying with insecticides Dimecron 50 EC. Suprecide 10 or injecting the stem with Ambush 2 EC 2-3 cc / liter of water in the larval stage of concentration.

Darna sp
Characteristics: imago butterfly-shaped with a wing span of 14-20 mm. 30-90 days growth period. Symptoms: (1) in the dry season, leaving an irregular bite marks on the older leaves, midrib lowest leaves droop, (2) leaves a great damage to red-anchor, except for some leaf bud and the youngest, (3) stem- fruit bunches and leaves droop like wilted right down, especially if dry-down and ultimately depend on the trunk. (4) fruit fall; (5) leaves absolute seated as usual, but sometimes beginning a red anchor. Only the bud and leaves are very young intact. Control: (1) hold pronggolan leaves and then burn it, (2) using the parasitic enemies of parasite pupae Chaetexorista Javana, Ptycnomyaremota, Musca conducens; or parasitic wasp-wasp Chrysis and Syntomosphyrum, (3) inject the pesticide Ambush 2 EC 2-3 cc / liter of water or spray the larval stage. Or Agrothion 50 EC insecticide concentration 0,2-0.4%, Basudin 60 EC with a concentration of 0.3%.

Caterpillars Artona (Artona catoxantha)
Symptoms: (1) on the leaf blade damage occurred in the presence of a hole like a tiny window, (2) if the heavy attack, the canopy of palm plants wilt and look like burned, (3) on the underside of leaves seen some children / ex-ladder-like attack, with bone leaf transverse direction as the stairs, (4) is a dangerous stage larvae. Control: (1) if every two midrib there are 5 or more stages of life it is necessary to penangkasan all the leaves, and left only the youngest leaves 3-4, (2) using kemit wasp (Apanteles artonae) destructive caterpillars or Ptircnomya and Cardusia leefmansi , (3) using insecticide Ambush 2 EC 5 grams / hectare through stem injections or spraying the larvae stage.

3.5.3. Pests Flowers


Coconut flower moth (Batrachedra sp.)
Symptoms: holes in the sheath of interest that have not opened, then into the male and female flowers. In a short time the male flowers became blackish, removing sap and female flowers eventually fall out. Control: (1) whitewash the hole with Basudin 60 EC or sprayed with BHC with a concentration of 0.1%, (2) biologically with the parasite Sylino sp.

Caterpillars Tirathaba
Characteristics: dirty brown caterpillar lengthwise stripes on his back, measuring 22 mm. Keperidiannya period of 12-31 days. Symptoms: (1) male flowers more holes than the female flowers, (2) new fruit sometimes with holes, (3) lots of caterpillar droppings (4) male flowers fall-dankotoran other impurities embedded into a clotted Small-glob, (5) full flower excrescence kotaoran and smelly. Control: (1) mengumpulakn flowers are attacked and burned, (2) Virgin cutting and burning, (3) wash the base of the palm leaves from the pupae and larvae, (4) using the parasitic pests that destroy eggs Telenomus tirathabae 6%, Apanteles Tirathabae destroy the young caterpillars 18-40%, parasitic flies Eryciabasivulfa 6-3% kill caterpillars, pupae parasite Melachnineumon muciallae, Trichhospilus Anacryptus impulsator pupivora and each has the power to kill 10%, 2% and 3.5%. Cecopet kind of Exypnus pulchripenneis caterpillars eat you alive, (5) using the insecticide Sevin 85 S by spraying at the base of the flower and leaf.

3.5.4. Fruit Pests


Tree rat, Rattus rattus Roque
Characteristics: live in soil, rice field, or in the house. Symptoms: (1) coconut hollow near tampuknya., (2) holes in the husk and shell the same size. Uneven shape sometimes round, sometimes wide. Control: (1) hunt mice, set traps or bait, poisoned bait, (2) sanitation crown of palm leaves so as not to be a rat's nest.

Squirrel / squirrel, Callosciurus notatus and C. Nigrovitatus
Symptoms: (1) gnawing a coconut that was rather old at the end of the fruit, (2) holes on the movement of the spherical shell, but the fibers are not flat, (3) content of fruit eaten for 2-3 days, (4) a squirrel 1-2 fruit damage in 1 month. Control: same as the eradication of rats.

3.5.5. Pests Seeds


Cottonwoods termite, Coptotermes curvignatus.
Characteristics: brown-black imago (alates, kalekatu, siraru). Symptoms: (1) termite attack by damaging the seed husk of the fruit or seed sowing. The attack occurred on land lateris textured argillaceous sand the nest, (2) bud seedlings wilt and die. Young coconut trees sometimes die anyway bud then perish. In the trunk is often visible termite tunnel created from the ground, from the bottom upwards. Control:
(1) at the time of making the nursery and open soil, plant debris removed / burned, (2) make a seedbed with a given layer of clean river sand and thick. Or mix the soil with BHC 10% with a dose of 65 kg / ha before sowing, (3) do seedtreatment on the seed before sowing with Azodin.

Beetle coconut seedlings (Plesispa reichei Chap)
Characteristics: imago-shaped beetle with keperidian period of 90 days. Symptoms: (1) leaves of seedlings or young coconut leaves are 1-4 years old at first striped beetles eat the former. The lines become broad united. These places or dry rot, (2) coconut leaves can be dried or shredded as affected by high winds, (3) a severe attack can kill seedlings or young plants. Control: (a) the taking of each stage by hand, (2) sprayed with Diacin 60 EC at a dose of 1.5 to 2 cc / liter of water, (3) provide Furadan 3 G at 2-5 grams per polybag seedlings; (4 ) biological means with parasite eggs and Haeckliana Oencyrtus corbetti brontispae or parasitic wasp larvae and pupae Tetrastichodes plesispae.

Grasshoppers coconut seedlings, Valanga transiens
Characteristics: imago red-blushed yellow anchor. His legs yellowish. On the back foot two black spots visible. At the rear syap, ayaitu yabng no bright red color on base. 37-50 mm long male grasshopper, are females 55-60 mm. Symptoms: (1) bite that does not irregular on palm leaves of seedlings under 1 year and who have not split, (2) for seedlings which have been opened daunya not suffer too much by this attack. Control: by spraying Basudin Dimecron 60 EC or 50 EC.

3.5.6. Attacking Seedling Diseases


Leaf spot disease (Gray leaf spot), fungi cause Pestalotia palmarum Cooke.
Symptoms: (1) arising out of translucent patches of light on leaves and then turns brown to yellowish gray, (2) patches together to form larger spots which are spots of fungus acervuli . Control: seedlings are sprayed with a fungicide such as Dithane M-45 or Perenox with a dose of 0.1-0.2%.

Leaf rot disease (spear rot)
Cause: The fungus Fusarium sp. Symptoms: (1) arising pedicab rickshaw-opaque on the leaf surface which then immediately became brown and often united to form a larger rickshaws, (2) on a rickshaw there are flecks consisting acervuli fungus, (3) leaves that are attacked will die more quickly. Control: menyemprotan seedlings or young plants with a fungicide containing copper compounds, such as porridge or Koper Oxyclorida Bordo.

Leaf spot disease (Brown leaf)
Cause: The fungus Helminthosporium incurvatum. Symptoms: (1) on the surface of the leaves arise small round patches which later grew and changed color to dark brown, (2) patches are then changed into an oval and elongated. Control: spray seedlings or newly transferred tanamanmuda with Difolatan 4F fungicide, Dithane M-45 or 75 WP Daconil.

Bud rot disease (Pre-emergent shoot rot).
Cause: The fungus Marasmius palmavirus. Symptoms: (1) attack the seeds of new growth. In the early stages of infection, when opened sabutnya visible blotches and a layer of white mycelia are white or reddish in the bud and leaf edges will, (2) disease can arise from contaminated seed, good time on the field as well as time of germination. Control: (1) to prevent infection of the seed, before the seeds disemauikan didesinfektir should advance with the fungicide by soaking in a solution Difolatan 4F, (2) try to avoid the occurrence of sanitation and the humidity is too high dipersemaian, because the fungus will grow well on high humidity.

3.5.7. Young Plant Disease Strikes


Bud rot disease (Bud rot); cause of the fungus Phytophthora palmivora Butler.
Symptoms: (1) drying of the young leaves in the middle of the canopy, (2) leaves brown and broken at its base, (3) the base of the rot, which can then reach the growing point so that plant growth stalled and died; Control: unknown how appropriate and effective countermeasures.

Cobweb disease (leaf blotch); cause fungus Corticium penicillatum.
Symptoms: (1) the existence of small pedicab rickshaw-wet, generally on the lower surface of leaves of coconut seedlings, rounded, less than 3 mm in diameter and light brown (2) speck-rickshaws are expanding rapidly, and it turned into an old cokalt. Some pedicab united and necrosis of the elongated irregular. How to prevent: (1) spray seedlings or young plants with a fungicide such as Benlate, Dithane M-45, or more, (2) the affected leaves should be cut and burned, (3) avoid the humidity is too high.

3.5.8. Attacking Generating Plant Diseases


Bud rot disease (Bud rot)
Cause: The fungus Phythopthora palmivora, Erwinia sp., Bacillus sp., Physiological causes and effects of lightning sembaran. Symptoms: (1) buds or leaf buds will decay before they grow out. Goto the decay will spread more. When the base of the stem exposed, the plants wilt and eventually die, (2) in old plants, the crown looks yellowed and is slowly falling from the tip. The fruits are young and then fall out. In severe damage, the crown of autumn leaves in full. Control: (1) if these symptoms occur, give bordo paste 1% on the expected this disease, has previously been cleaned in advance, (2) spray the slurry Bordo 1% or other fungicides such as Koper oxyclorida, Dithane M-45 and alin -other to prevent transmission.

Natuna wilt disease
Cause: Thielaviopsis sp., Botrydiplodia sp., Fusarium sp., Chlaropsis sp., Bacteria Erwinia sp., And Pseudomonas sp. Symptoms: (1) wilt appear suddenly in all parts of the leaf crown. Then the color changes to dull, midrib, midrib and eventually falling below hanging fruit bunches (2) the death process is very fast 1-3 hoax since the initial symptoms begin to appear. Pengendalaian: (1) the arrangement of ground water by creating drainage channels, (2) pengoalah abik land, in the form of maintenance, fertilizing and planting the appropriate pattern, (3) quarantine of plants in order to avoid traffic that could lead to dark spread of disease from one area to another, (4) planting the seeds of a healthy, fertile and strong. Dismantle and destroy diseased plants.

Yellow wilt disease symptoms
Cause: (1) environmental factors such as poor aera, waterlogging and drought, (2) technical culture factors, such as how the cultivation of land that is not according to the rules, improper use of pesticides, fertilizers yangkurang and irregular, (3) state of vegetation , for example, many garden weeds and dirty, (4) Factor pests / diseases that proliferate without control, (5) physiological factors, such as interference with the roots due to the lack of suitable soil conditions, so that the disturbed metabolism of plants. Symptoms: (1) all or part of the leaf is yellow, especially when exposed to sunlight, (2) plants grown dwarf, growing to the size of the midrib and leaf buds smaller, (3) most of the upper stem of thin and bend at the tip and part of the midrib bottom hung and dried, (4) flowers and fruit will be rare. Young fruit dropping off and very few are able to grow old. Small fruit size and irregular-sided terms, (5) the size of the Virgin who grew ill after trees are shorter and smaller, and the open fissure is not perfect. Sometimes Mayang still wrapped, (6) rot rot disease resembling attacks. Control: performed through improved sanitation, technical culture and other actions.

Leaf spot disease
Cause: The fungus Pestalotia sp., Gloeosporium sp., Helminthosphorium sp., Fusarium sp., Thielaviopsis sp., Curvularia sp., And Botrydiplodia sp. The spread of the disease through the dissemination of spores through the air, water or insects. Symptoms: (1) in young and old leaves are rickshaw-rickshaws in various forms and shapes, (2) in various parts of the leaf color changes, initially in the form of spots of yellow, then green fade away, (3) spots bright spots leave scars in the form of a specific color such as black, gray and brown. Sections were then dried as dead tissue, (4) form edge-rickshaw pedicab irregular, there is a circle, oval, oblong or rhombic, (5) on a heavy attack throughout the crown and the leaves look dry, the leaves in a state mennutup . In plants that have been fruitful, due to the indirect fruits of the young or the pistil fall prematurely. Control: (1) cut off the affected leaves, then baked until they run out, (2) plants sprayed with fungicides, such as Dithane M-45, Difotan 4F, Koper Oxychlorida or Cobox 50, with a concentration of 0.1-0.2%.

Diseases fall fruit (immature Nut Fall)
Cause: The fungus Phythophthora palmivora. Symptoms: (1) fruit fall, (2) at the base there is a section of rotten fruit. Or as a result of the fungus Thielaviopsis paradoxa. Control: (1) fertilization and regular provision of water in the dry season, (2) spray the affected plants with a fungicide containing copper, such as porridge or Koper Oxyclorida Bordo.

Stem rust disease
Cause: The fungus Ceratostomella paradoxa. Symptoms: (1) rods become damaged, and from the crevices of stem rust-colored liquid will come out, where the tissue has been damaged in this section, (2) occurs physiological disorders that affect growth. Control: cut or scrape the damaged part, cover with a cover wounds (eg ter).

Root rot disease
Cause: the fungus Ganoderma lucidum. Symptoms: root decay caused by the surface of the shallow ground water, bad drainage and poor air system. Control: improvement of soil physical properties and manufacture of drainage channels. Diseased trees dismantled and burned in a separate place.

Root disease
Cause: The fungus parasite which is sometimes exacerbated also by a disturbance of parasitic nematodes. Symptoms: (1) a change in leaf color gradually. Pale yellow color on the lower leaves gradually lost to the younger leaves, (2) the ends of the leaves shriveled and many are dry. These symptoms such as symptoms of nutrient deficiency, due to interference with transport in plant tissues. Control: a technical culture and sanitary manner as is done in the Natuna wilt disease.

3.5.9. Weeds


Lalang (Imperata cylinddrica), high growth can reach 1-2 feet, spread very quickly through rhyzoma (rhizomes) and a winged fruit.

Puzzles (Cyperus rotrendus)

Lampuyangan (Panium repens)

Pahitan (Paspalum konjugatum)

Sembung vine (Mikania cordata); these plants remove toxic to plant roots lainmelalui fluid that can suppress the activities of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Chicken droppings (Lantana camara)

Kipahit (Euphathorium odorotum); this plant can reach a height of 4-5

ether and shaped shrubs.

Ways to eradicate weeds, including:


Mechanical weeding: (1) clean weeding, weed control as a whole in the area of ​​cultivation, (2) selecting weeding, weed control around plants alone (making the dish); on 0-1 year old plants radius of 100 cm. In the 1-2 year old plants 150 cm radius, in plants older than 2 years of radius 200 cm, (3) disc scratched with a hoe, grass was removed kelur dish, 1 x 1-month intervals, (4) stripe weeding, control weeds are brindle.

Chemically weeding: (1) mixing with water paracol liter/450 2.5 to 3 liters, (2) incorporate the herbicide into the sprayer tank and pump to limit the barometer on the red mark (auto), for semi-automatic spraying srayer while pumping; (3) spraying the weeds, with attention to safety (wind direction, masks and gloves), (4) when spraying precise estimate of 6 hours after spraying does not rain. If necessary use the stickers (adhesives and spray grading), (5) the time interval 1 x 3 months.

This type of herbicide used: (1) contact herbicides, herbicides kill only the plant part affected by this poison weeds, (2) systemic herbicide, herbicide which when worn on one part of the plant will be spread throughout the plant via the circulation of water and substances nutrient, and then turn off the existing network above and below the ground surface.

3.6. Harvest

3.6.1. Characteristics and Harvest
Characteristics: ± 12 months old, 4 / 5 parts of dry skin, brown, kandungn reduced water and when shaken crake.

3.6.2. How to Harvest


Coconuts allowed to fall: deficiency, which is the fruit that fell was over cooked, so it is not suitable for raw material feedstock copra or dried coconut grated coconut (desiccated coconut).

How to climb: done in the dry season only. Advantages: (1) can clean the crown of leaves, (2) can pick coconuts are harvested with the ability of an average of 25 trees per person. The weakness is damaging the trees, because they have to make the plane to stand. In some areas of the island of Sumatra, often picking done by apes (monkeys). Picking speed by 400 monkey eggs a day with 1 hour rest period, but monkeys can not clean the crown of leaves and less selectivity.

How to harvest with the pole: using bamboo jointing and sharp edges attached hook-shaped knife. The ability of picking an average of 100 trees / person / day.

3.6.3. Harvest Period

Frequency of harvest can be done once a month to wait for the fall of coconuts that have been cooked, but generally the crop carried out on two and even three bunches at a time. It is not so influential on the quality of the fruit because, according to Padua and Banson Resurrection (1979) levels of fatty acids in coconut oil which comes from the munitions was three months younger than the same fruit bunches harvested so that harvesting costs can be saved.

3.6.4. Production Forecast
Production of palm fruit crop varieties depend, plant age, soil conditions, climate, and maintenance. Menghasilakn usually an average of 2.3 tons of copra / ha / year at the age of 12-25 years. As for coconut hybrids at the age of 10-25 years could generate an average of 3.9 tons / ha / year.

3.7. Postharvest

3.7.1. Collection
Dikumpulah using a basket of fruit or a means of transport available. Then all the fruit harvest is collected in Place Collection Results (TPH).

3.7.2. Sorting and Classification

Sorting fruit and fruit calculations performed every block of the garden after harvest at the end of the month. The fruit is sorted is empty there was no water, no loud noise when shaken, broken / Lika taxable pests, decay and also to the small palm cracked grain, germination undercooked or coconut, and then stored in a storage bin beraerasi good.

3.7.3. Storage

Coconuts saved by:
a) stack of fruit piled high with a maximum of 1 meter
b) and pyramidal-shaped piles of loose
c) stacks are routinely observed in the warehouse.

The requirements repository as follows:
a) fresh and dry air
b) does not leak and the rain
c) no direct sun
d) air temperature in the warehouse 25-27 degrees C.

3.7.4. Packaging and Transport
Coconuts will be sold first if the outer skin peeled and wrapped in burlap sacks or synthetic sacks. Freight can be carried by truck, ship or conveyance accordingly.

3.7.5. Other Handling


Copra; copra is made from coconut meat by lowering its water content. to: (1) preservation, this way will prevent the growth of fungi, insects, and bacteria that can eat meat and coconut oil damage, (2) reducing the weight, thus reducing the cost of transporting and handling, (3) concentrating the oil, the oil content in copra approximately 65-68%. Method of making copra is by drying the fruit flesh with sunlight (direct drying or the greenhouse effect) or with dryers.

Oil extraction; coconut oil can be obtained directly by extraction of copra. The traditional way that is widely used by heating the coconut milk. Coconut oil can also be obtained with copra extracted.

Dry grated coconut (desiccated coconut), obtained by drying the grated coconut until 3.5% moisture content and oil content of not less than 68%.

Coconut milk; obtained by exploitation of grated coconut. Coconut milk can not be stored longer. It is therefore necessary packaging to prevent damage to the coconut milk with coconut milk is coconut milk canning or drying.

4.1. Cultivation of Business Analysis

Approximate analysis of coconut cultivation Kopyor for 6 years of planting one hectare of land with an area in West Java in 1999 is as follows:

(In Rupiah)


The production cost of year-1

1 ha of land lease

Plant 171 seedlings @ Rp. 10 000

- Manure
- Artificial Fertilizers

- Insecticide 20 liters @ Rp. 65.000, -
- Fungicide 10 liters of Rp. 46 300, -

- Sprayer
- Hoes, sickles etc.
- Bamboo (bear) 2 Rp. 3,500, -

- Planting hole @ Rp. 5.000, -
- Manure
- Planting @ Rp. 2500, -
- Stitching @ Rp. 2500, -
- Fencing @ Rp. 5.000, -
- Fertilization
- Weeding
- Pembubunan
- Spraying

Total production costs year-to-1

The cost of production in the 2nd and 3rd year

1 ha of land lease

- Manure
- Artificial Fertilizers

- Insecticide 20 liters @ Rp. 65.000, -
- Fungicide 10 liters of Rp. 46 300, -

- Manure
- Fertilization
- Weeding
- Pembubunan
- Spraying

Total expenses year-to-2 and-3

The production cost of the 4th year

1 ha of land lease

- Manure
- Artificial Fertilizers

- Insecticide 20 liters @ Rp. 65.000, -
- Fungicide 10 liters @ Rp. 46 300, -

- Sprayer
- Hoes, sickles etc.

- Fertilization of manure
- Fertilization
- Weeding
- Pembubunan
- Spraying
- Harvesting

Total expenses year-to-4

The cost of production in the 5th and 6th year

1 ha of land lease

- Manure
- Artificial Fertilizers

- Insecticide 20 liters @ Rp. 65.000, -
- Fungicide 10 liters of Rp. 46 300, -

- Manure
- Fertilization
- Weeding
- Pembubunan
- Spraying
- Harvesting

Total expenses year-to-5 and year-to-6
Total production costs for 6 years


Revenue year-to-4

Revenue year-to-5

Revenue year-to-6
The amount of income


Advantages for 6 years

Profit per year

Parameters feasibility

B / C Ratio

2.000.000, -
1.71 million, -

800,000, -
300.000, -

1.300.000, -
460 300, -
250.000, -
250.000, -
150.000, -
567 000, -

780 000, -
150.000, -
390 000, -
40.000, -
780 000, -
400.000, -
600.000, -
400.000, -
600.000, -
250.000, -
11,927,000, -

2.000.000, -

800,000, -
300.000, -

1.300.000, -
460 300, -

150.000, -
400.000, -
600.000, -
400.000, -
600.000, -
250.000, -
14,520,600, -

2.000.000, -

800,000, -
900.000, -

1.300.000, -
460 300, -

250.000, -
150.000, -

150.000, -
400.000, -
600.000, -
400.000, -
600.000, -
1.500.000, -
250.000, -
9.76 million, -

2.000.000, -

800,000, -
900.000, -

1.300.000, -
460 300, -

150.000, -
400.000, -
600.000, -
400.000, -
600.000, -
1.500.000, -
250.000, -

18,720,000, -

54,927,000, -

22,500,000, -
37,500,000, -
37,500,000, -
97,500,000, -

42,573,000, -
7,095,500, -

= 1.775

4.2. Agribusiness Opportunity Overview

The main reasons which make the coconut into a commercial commodity is because all parts of the coconut can be used for various purposes. From the analysis of message shows that cultivation can menguntukan substantial investment in less than 6 years, not including other benefits derived from the fruit apart. Therefore, cultivation of oil crops is one alternative which is very profitable


5.1. Scope
Standard production includes: quality requirements, means testing, sampling and packing copra.

5.2. Description
Copra is the fruit of coconut meat that has been dried by drying, curing or other mechanical drying.

5.3. Classification and Quality Standards

a) The maximum water content (%): Quality of I = 5.0; Quality II = 5.0; way tests SP-SMP-7-1975
b) The minimum fat content (%): Quality of I = 63.0; Quality II = 60.0; way tests SP-SMP-13-1975
c) the maximum levels of Free Fatty Acid (%): Quality of I = 5.0; Quality II = 5.0; way tests SP-SMP-30-19975
d) Foreign Objects maximum (%): Quality of I = 1.0; Quality II = 2.0; way tests SP-SMP-48-1975
e) The maximum mildew (%): Quality of I = 5.0; Quality II = 5.0; way tests SP-SMP-78-1975
f) The maximum Berhama (%); Quality I = 3.0; Quality II = 3.0; way tests SP-SMP-78-1975

5.4. Sampling

Sample taken at random as the square root of the maximum number of sacks with 30 sacks each party goods, then every sack taken a maximum of 5 kg sample. Examples are stirred / mixed so evenly and then divided by four and two sections taken diagonally. How this is done several times until it reaches the sample rate of 5 kg. Example then put in plastic, then sealed and labeled.

Officers must qualify taker example, that people who have experienced or trained labih advance and have ties with a legal entity.

5.5. Packaging


Method of packing: packed copra dalamkarung burlap to clean, dry and strong with a net weight of each bag is 65 kg.

Branding: the name of goods, quality type, the identity of the seller, Produce of Indonesia, net weight, number of sacks, the identity of the buyer, the port / country of destination.

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