Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Commodity production of peanuts per hectare have not achieved maximum results. This is not apart from the influence of soil factors that increasingly hard (broken) and nutrient poor, especially micro-nutrients and growth hormones. Besides, also because of pests and plant diseases, climatic factors, as well as other maintenance factor.
PT. NASA tried to play a role increasing the quantity and quality of production while maintaining environmental sustainability (Aspects K - 3).

2.1. Climate
a. Rainfall between 800-1300 mm / year. The rain is too hard will result in difficult terserbuki flowers by insects and will increase the humidity around the crop of peanuts.
b. Air temperature around 28-320C. When the temperature is below 100C, plant growth will be hampered, even stunted.
c. Air humidity ranges from 65-75%.
d.Penyinaran full sun is needed, particularly fertility and development of the size of pea leaves.

2.2. Media Plant
a. Appropriate soil type is loose soil / light-textured and fertile.
b. pH between 6.0 to 6.5.
c. Lack of water will cause the plants thin, stunted, wilt and eventually die.
d. Good drainage and aeration, land is not too muddy and dry is good for growing peanuts.

2.3. Altitude Place
The optimum planting elevation 50-500 m above sea level, but still able to grow below an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level.

3.1. Nurseries
3.1.1. Seed Requirements
Terms of seeds / seedlings of peanut that is both:
a. Derived from the new plants and varieties.
b. Grow a high power (more than 90%) and healthy.
c. Seeds shiny skin, no wrinkles and defects.
d. Pure or mixed with other varieties.
e. The water content of seeds ranges from 9-12%.

3.1.2. Seed Preparation
Seeds should be stored at a constant dry and tightly closed. To ensure the quality of seeds, better buy from the Institute for seeds or seed-growers who have been appointed by the Central Seed Certification.

3.2. Media Processing Plant
3.2.1. Preparation and Clearing
Land clearing for cultivation by plowing and clearing of all manner of weeds (plant pests) and the roots before planting, as well as to facilitate the growing plant roots and eliminate host plants for pests and diseases.

3.2.2. Establishment of beds
Make a bed width of 80 cm, length adjustment, 20-30 cm thick beds. Among the beds made ditch.

3.2.3. Liming
To raise the pH of the soil, especially on lands that are very sour done with a dose of calcification + 1 - 2.5 tons / ha at the latest 1 month before planting.

3.2.4. Providing Natural GLIO
To prevent fungal attacks gave Natural GLIO. Natural breeding GLIO way: 1-2 sachets of Natural GLIO mixed with 50-100 kg of manure to land 1000 m2. Furthermore, silenced in a place protected from sunlight + 1 week to always keep the humidity and the occasional stirring (reversed). Giving Natural GLIO in the afternoon.

3.2.5. Providing Fertilizer SUPER Macro and NASA
The type and dosage of fertilizer per hectare is:
a. Manure 2-4 tons / ha, provided on the surface of the bed about a week before planting, mixed in the soil bed or placed in the planting hole.
b. Inorganic Fertilizers: SP-36 (100 kg / ha), ZA (100 kg / ha) and KCl (50 kg / ha) or according to local recommendations.
c. Pour fertilizer NASA POC that has been mixed with water evenly over the beds with a dose ± 1-2 bottles (500-1000 cc) diluted with enough water for each 1000 m 2 (10-20 bottles / ha). Results would be great if you use SUPER NASA.

As for how to use SUPER NASA follows:
alternative 1: 1 bottle SUPER NASA diluted in 3 liters of water used as mother liquor. Every 50 liters of water were given 200 cc of mother liquor was to flush the bed.
alternative 2: every one yells vol 10 lt given 1 tablespoon of Super Nasa pressed to flush the meter + 10 beds.

All macro-administered dose of fertilizer at planting. Fertilizer is given on the right and left drill holes as deep as 3 cm.

3.3. Planting techniques
3.3.1. Determination of Planting Pattern
Attention to the cropping pattern and rainfall season. In the fertile soil, seed peanuts planted in the bolt with a spacing of 40 x 15 cm, 30 x 20 cm, or 20 x 20 cm.

3.3.2. Preparation of Planting Holes
Planting hole as deep as 3 cm was made using a drill with a predetermined distance above.

3.3.3. Soaking seeds with NASA POC
Choose a good seed and the seeds can germinate quickly and simultaneously, the seeds soaked in a solution of the NASA POC (1-2 cc / liter of water) + 0.5 for 1 hour.

3.3.4. Planting Method
Put seeds 1 or 2 eggs into the planting hole with a thin soil. The best planting time dilahan dry at the beginning of the rainy season, the wetland can be conducted in April-June (pulses I) or the month of July to September (palawija II).

3.4. Plant Maintenance
3.4.1. Stitching
Embroidery seeds do not grow or die, for replanting the sooner the better (after the others seem to grow ± 3-7 days after planting).

3.4.2. Weeding and Pembumbunan
Weeding is done 2 times the age of 1 and 6 weeks with caution so as not to damage the flowers and pods.
Pembumbunan done simultaneously while weeding, aiming to cover the roots.

3.4.3. Giving NASA POC and HORMONIK
Spraying POC NASA conducted two weeks since the age of 1-2 weeks (4-5 cap NASA POC / tank). Total requirement for maintenance of NASA POC 1-2 bottles per 1000 m 2 (10-20 bottles / ha). It would be nice if the use of POC NASA added HORMONIK (3-4 cap NASA POC HORMONIK + 1 cap / tank). At the time of flowering plants do not spraying, because it can interfere with pollination.

3.4.5. Irrigation and Watering
Watering is done so that the soil remains moist. To keep moisture in the dry season can be given mulch (straw, etc.). When flowering is not watering, because it can interfere with pollination.

3.4.6. Other Maintenance
Other things that really support the maintenance factor could be done, such as pruning, propagation, maintenance and flower buds as well as environmental sanitation, land (kept to support plant health).

3.5. Pests and Diseases
3.5.1. Pest
a. Uret
Symptoms: eat the roots, stem and pod bottom. Finally, plants wither and die. Control: with good tillage, use of manure that has been cooked, planted in unison, intensive weeding, use of PESTONA way splashed to the ground, if the plant already dead uret immediately withdrawn and destroyed.
b. Leaf roller caterpillars
Symptoms: yellowing leaves folded, eventually dry up. Control: spraying using PESTONA.
c. Grayak caterpillar (Spodoptera litura)
Symptoms: caterpillars eat the leaf epidermis and bone in groups. Control: (1) clean the weeds, planted in unison, crop rotation, (2) spraying using Natural Vitura.
d. Caterpillars inch (Plusia sp)
Symptoms: attack the leaves of peanuts. Control: spraying using PESTONA.
e. Leaf beetles
Symptoms: The leaves seem hollow, leaves the bone, also eat flower buds. Control: (1) planting simultaneously, (2) spraying using PESTONA.

3.5.2. Disease
a. Wilt disease or "Omo Wedang"
Cause: The bacterium Xanthomonas solanacearum (EFS). Symptoms: The leaves droop like poured hot water, eventually dying. If the cut looks brown stains on the wooden vessel and when massaged out yellowish mucus. Plant roots to rot. Control: crop rotation, use of resistant varieties. It is important to use the Natural GLIO prevention.
b. Devil broom disease
Cause: Mycoplasma (a type of virus). Allegedly transmitted a type of insect Aphis. Symptoms: dark green flowers such as small leaves, segments of stems and branches become shorter, the leaves of small trees. Control: plants removed, discarded and destroyed, all the host plants to clean (environmental sanitation), planting resistant crops, overcoming vector using PESTONA or Natural BVR.
c. Leaf spotting diseases
Cause: The fungus Cercospora personata and Cercospora arachidicola. Symptoms: occur-sized patches of 1-5 mm, brown and black on the leaves and stems. Control: using Natural GLIO early in the planting as a precaution.
d. Disease Gapong
Cause: Nematodes suspected. Symptoms: empty pods, can also decay. Control: soil nematodanya didangir and searchable.
e. Sclerotium diseases
Cause: The fungus Sclerotium rolfsii. Symptoms: wilting plant. Control: use of resistant varieties, do not get stagnant water, burn the plants attacked by fungi. Prevention: Use Natural GLIO in early planting
f. Rust diseases
Cause: The fungus Puccinia arachidis Speg. Symptoms: the leaves have patches of brown to brown (rust color). Leaves fall prematurely. Control: use of resistant varieties, plants attacked and burned revoked. Prevention: Use Natural GLIO in the early planting.

Note: If the pest and disease control by using natural pesticides can not cope with the recommended use of chemical pesticides. In order for the spraying of chemical pesticides is more evenly distributed and not easily lost by rainwater add Adhesives Straighten AERO 810, dose + 5 ml (1 / 2 cap) / tank.

3.6. Harvest
Age harvesting peanut plants depends on the kind of short lifespan of 3-4 months and the age ± length ± 5-6 months. The characteristics of peanuts is harvested, among others:
a) stem starts to harden.
b) Leaf yellowing and some began to fall, pods already contains a full and hard.
c) Color blackish brown pods.

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