Wednesday, 24 August 2011
1. Overview of the Banana
Bananas are the fruit of a herbaceous plant originating from regions in Southeast Asia (including Indonesia). This plant is then spread to Africa (Madagascar), South and Central America. In West Java, called Cau bananas, in Central Java and East Java called pawpaw.
Banana plant botanical classification is as follows:
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledonae
Family: Musaceae
Genus: Musa
Species: Musa spp.
Types of bananas is divided into:
1) Bananas are eaten without cooking the M. paradisiaca var Sapientum, M. nana also called M. cavendishii, M. sinensis.
Eg bananas, milk, king, Cavendish, Barangan and mas.
2) Bananas are eaten after the fruit is cooked M. paradisiaca forma typicaatau also called M. paradisiaca normalis.
For example banana jackfruit, horns and kepok.
3) Bananas have seeds of M. brachycarpa in Indonesia used its leaves.
Such as bananas and klutuk stone.
4) Bananas are taken such as banana fiber manila (abaca).
Bananas are a very nutritious fruit that is a source of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Bananas used as table fruit, sale of bananas, mashed bananas and banana flour. Banana peel can be used to make vinegar through fermentation process alcohol and vinegar. Banana leaves are used as a wrapping various foods trandisional Indonesia.
Abaca stem is processed into fiber for clothing, paper etc.. Banana stem was cut small and banana leaves can be fed to ruminant livestock (sheep, goats) during the dry season when the grass is not / less available.
Traditionally, water kepok banana stem tuber used as a drug of dysentery and intestinal bleeding while the water is used as a banana stalk urination and pain medication detoxification.
Almost in every place can easily be found banana plants. Banana production centers in West Java is Cianjur, Sukabumi and the area around Cirebon. It is not known with certainty how extensive banana plantations in Indonesia. However Indonesia is one country that supplies tropical banana fresh / dried to Japan, Hongkong, China, Singapore, Arabia, Australia, the Netherlands, the United States and France. The highest export value in 1997 was to China.
5.1. Climate
1. Wet tropical climate, humid and hot to support the growth of bananas. However, bananas are still able to grow in subtropical areas. In conditions without water, bananas are still grown because of the water supplied from a watery stems but its production can not be expected.
2. The wind at high speed as the wind can damage the leaf beetle and affect plant growth.
3. Optimum rainfall is 1520-3800 mm / year with 2 months to dry. Variations in precipitation must be balanced with the water level so that the soil is not waterlogged soil.
5.2.Media Planting
1. Bananas can be grown in soil rich in humus, containing lime or heavy soil. This plant food so greedily bananas should be planted in the ground berhumus with fertilization.
2. Water should always be available but should not be pooled because of the banana plantation should be irrigated with intensively. Height of ground water in the wet area is 50-200 cm, in the half-wet 100-200 cm and in arid regions 50-150 cm. Land that has suffered erosion will not produce a good harvest bananas. Soil should be easy to absorb water. Bananas do not live in the soil containing 0.07% salt.
5.3. Altitude Place
This plant will be the height and drought tolerant. In Indonesia are generally able to grow in the lowlands to the mountains as high as 2,000 m above sea level. Bananas, jackfruit and horns grow well up to an altitude of 1000 m asl
Bananas are propagated by vegetative means in the form of shoots (tillers).
1. Seed Requirements
High seedling is used as seed is 1-1.5 m with a width of 15-20 cm piece of tuber. Saplings taken from trees that are producing well and healthy. High seed will have an effect on banana production (the number of combs in each cluster). Seedling there are two types: young puppies and adults. Tillers grown better used because it will have flowers and food supplies in the hump has been a lot. The use of spear-shaped seeds (leaves are shaped like a sword, narrow leaves) take precedence over the seeds with a large leaf.
2. Seed Preparation
Seeds can be purchased from the local / or provided elsewhere in the garden itself. Crops to be planted with seedlings rather tight spacing of about 2 x 2 m. One parent trees have buds left between 7-9. To avoid a too large number of shoots puppies, do the cutting / thinning shoots.
3. Sanitation Before Planted Seeds
To avoid the spread of pests / diseases, before seedlings were planted
treatment as follows:
a) After the cut, clean soil attached to the roots.
b) Save the seeds in a cool place 1-2 days before planting so that the wounds on the tubers to dry. Remove the leaves are wide.
c) Soak the neck stem tuber seed limited in insecticide 0.5-1% for 10 minutes. Then the dried seeds.
d) If no insecticide, seed tubers soaked in water for 48 hours.
e) If the existing planting area pest nematodes, tuber soak seeds in hot water a few minutes.
6.2.Pengolahan Growing Media
1. Land Opening
The selection of land should consider aspects of climate, economic infrastructure and the location of the market / banana processing industry, should also be considered in terms of social security.
To open the banana plantations, carried out the extermination of weeds, grass or shrubs, tilling the soil is still solid; sengkedan manufacture and manufacture of water discharge channel.
2. Formation Sengkedan
Part of the sloping ground to disengked (made terraces). Sengkedan width depends on the degree of slope. Gastric sengkedan detained with grass or rocks if available. It is advisable to plant crops such as legumes lamtoro in sengkedan limits that serve as barriers to erosion, feeder of nutrients N and windbreaks.
3. Making Water Sewers
These channels must be made on land with little slope and flat lands. Above ground and planted grass side channels to avoid erosion of the base channel itself.
6.3.Teknik Planting
1. Determination of Crop Patterns
Banana plant spacing wide enough so that in the first three months of the cropping pattern allows the use of intercropping / crop alley between banana plants. Crop intercropping / alley can be a vegetable or crop season.
In most banana plantations in the region of high rainfall, bananas are planted together with the plantations of coffee, cocoa, coconut and arecanuts. In western India, to export bananas permanently planted with coconut.
2. Preparation of Planting Holes
Hole size is 50 x 50 x 50 cm on the soil weight and 30 x 30 x 30 cm or 40 x 40 cm X40 for loose soils. Spacing of 3 x 3 m for the soil medium and 3.3 x 3.3 m for heavy soil.
3. Planting Method
Planting is done before the rainy season (September-October). Before planting holes is an organic fertilizer such as manure / compost as much as 15-20 kg. Organic fertilization affects the quality of fruit flavors.
6.4.Pemeliharaan Plants
1. Thinning
To get good results, one family must consist of 3-4 stems. Cutting is done in such a way that children in one family there are puppies that each different age (growth phase). After 5 years clump demolished to be replaced with new plants.
2. Weeding
Grass / weeds around the tree stem must be weeded in order growth of the child and parent are also good. Weeding done simultaneously with the tilling and soil stockpiling dapuran by roots and shoots in order to multiply. It should be noted that rooting of banana is only an average of 15 cm below the soil surface, so weeding should not be too deep.
3. Perempalan
The leaves are starting to dry trimmed to hygiene and environmental sanitation plants awake. Disposal of leaves is done every time.
4. Fertilization
Bananas are in need of large amounts of potassium. For one hectare, bananas require 207 kg urea, 138 kg of super phosphate, 608 kg of KCl and 200 kg of limestone as a source of calcium.
Fertilizer N is applied twice in a year that is placed inside the bolt is rounded clumps of plants. After the bolt closed with soil. Phosphate and potassium fertilization performed 6 months after planting (twice yearly).
5. Irrigation and Watering
Bananas will thrive and produce well for irrigation awake. Plants are watered by watering or filling parit-parit/saluran water in between rows of banana plants.
6. Giving Mulch
Soil around the clump of bananas were given in the form of leaf mulch is dry or wet. Mulching is useful for reducing soil water evaporation and suppress weeds, but mulching which continue to cause the roots to be shallow so that at the time of dry plants languish. Because of that mulch should not be placed continuously.
7. Maintenance of Fruit
Banana that has been within 25 cm of the comb should be cut so that the last pieces of fruit growth is not inhibited. After a perfect fluffy bunches of banana, banana bunches wrapped in clear plastic bags. Polyethylene plastic bags with a thickness of 0.5 mm diameter holes were 1.25 cm. The distance of each hole 7.5 cm. The size of plastic bags is such that it covers 15-45 cm above the base of the comb the top and 25 cm below the bottom end of the fruit of the comb. To keep the plants do not fall under the weight of munitions, supported with a bamboo plant stems are buried as deep as 30 cm into the ground.
1. Leaf caterpillar (Erienota thrax.)
The part that is attacked is the leaves.
Symptoms: leaf sheath and roll up like a leaf torn to the bone.
Control: by using a suitable insecticide does not exist, can be tried with the insecticide Malathion.
2.Uret beetle (Cosmopolites sordidus)
The part that is attacked is the sepals, stems.
Symptoms: hallways to the top / bottom of the petal leaves, banana trunks filled the hall.
Control: banana grove sanitation, clean the remaining clumps of banana stems, use seed that has been disinfected.
3.Nematoda (Rotulenchus similis, Radopholus similis).
The part that is attacked is the root.
Symptoms: plants looked miserable, to form cavities or small spots on the roots, root swelling.
Control: use seed that has been disinfected, increase humus soil and land use with little clay content.
4.Ulat flowers and fruit (Nacoleila octasema.)
The part that is under attack flowers and fruits.
Symptoms: abnormal growth of the fruit, rind mangy. The existence of at least 70 tail worm in bunches of bananas.
Control: by using insecticides.
1. Blood disease
Cause: Xanthomonas celebensis (bacteria). Part of the plant tissue attacked is the inside.
Symptoms: The network becomes reddish as bloody.
Control: to dismantle and burn diseased plants.
Cause: The fungus Fusarium oxysporum. The part that is attacked is the leaves.
Symptoms: leaf withered and broken, first outer leaves and leaves on the inside, split lengthwise leaf midrib, black out the sap vessels.
Control: break and burn diseased plants.
3.Bintik leaf
Cause: The fungus Cercospora musae. The part that was attacked with symptoms of leaf spots are tan widening.
Control: using a fungicide containing copper oxide or Porridge Bordeaux
Cause: the bacteria Bacillus. The part that is attacked is the root.
Symptoms: plants wilt and die.
Control: break and burn diseased plants.
5.Daun shoots
The cause: a virus with aphids Pentalonia nigronervosa intermediaries. The part that is attacked is the leaf shoots.
Symptoms: leaf shoots grow upright in clusters.
Control: how to dismantle and burn diseased plants.
Not long after planting and after mature canopy is formed, the weeds will be an issue that must be addressed immediately. Countermeasures implemented by:
1.Penggunaan herbicides such as Paraquat, Gesapax 80 Wp, Roundup and dalapon.
2.Menanam cover crops that can withstand erosion, shade-tolerant, are not easily attacked by pests and disease, not climbing stems of bananas. For example Geophila repens.
3.Menutup ground with polyethylene plastic.
8.P A N E N
8.1.Ciri and Harvest
At the age of 1 year the average banana has been fruitful. When the harvest is determined by the age of fruit and fruit shape. Characteristic of the flag leaf harvest is drying up. Fruit is old enough to be harvested 80-100 days old with a right-angled pieces that are still unclear to almost spherical. Harvest age determination should be based on the amount of time required to transport the fruit to the sales area so the fruit is not very mature now reached the hands of consumers. At least bananas still can be retained for 10 days after acceptable to consumers.
8.2.Cara Harvest
Bananas are harvested together with tandannya. Taken long bunches is 30 cm from the base of the top comb. Use a clean sharp knife and cut bunches of time. Banana bunches are stored in the inverted position so that the sap from the cut trickle down without soiling the fruit.
With this position of bananas that can be spared from cuts caused by the friction of the fruit to the ground.
Once it is cut up banana stem tuber stalks removed altogether. If the available workforce, banana stems can be cut to a height of 1 m from ground level. Penyisaan rods are meant to spur the growth of shoots.
8.3.Periode Harvest
In a fairly extensive banana plantations, harvest can last between 3-10 days depending on the number of productive plants.
8.4.Perkiraan Production
There has been no standard banana production in Indonesia, in the center of world banana production 28 tons / ha / year is only economical for household-scale plantations. For small plantations (10-30 ha) and large plantations (> 30 ha), the economical production should reach at least 46 tons / ha / year.
Conventionally banana bunches are covered with dried banana leaves to reduce evaporation and transported to the place of marketing by using the vehicle open / closed. For shipments abroad, bunches of banana are released from tandannya then sorted by size. Packing is done by using a cardboard container. Banana comb inserted into dos upside down in several layers. Should be wound on the end pieces of banana comb disinfected to avoid spoilage.
Business 10.1.Analisis Cultivation
Approximate analysis of banana cultivation with an area of 1 ha in West Java in 1999.
1) The production cost of 1 ha of bananas from the year-to-1 to-4 are:
a) Year-1 = Rp. 5,338,000, -
b) Year 2 = Rp. 4,235,000, -
c) Year 3 = Rp. 4,518,000, -
d) Year 4 = Rp. 4,545,300, -
2) Acceptance of years I through IV *)
a) Year 1: 0.8 x 1000 bunches = Rp. 6.000.000, -
b) Year 2: 0.8 x 2000 clusters = Rp. 12.000.000, -
c) Year 3: 0.8 x 2000 clusters = Rp. 12.000.000, -
d) Year 4: 0.8 x 2000 clusters = Rp. 12.000.000, -
3) Advantages
a) Advantages over 4 years of planting = Rp. 23,363,700, -
b) Profit / year = Rp. 5,840,925, -
4) Parameters Feasibility
a) Output / Input ratio = 2.150
Note: *) estimates a price of Rp bunches. 7500, -
10.2.Gambaran Agribusiness Opportunity
Permanent banana plantations (cultivated continuously) can easily be found in Mexico, Jamaica, Central America, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and the Philippines. In these countries, the cultivation of bananas is an industry that is supported by excellent technical culture and a modern packing station and the packaging that meets international standards. This shows that the banana was a highly traded commodity impossible to ignore. Banana world demand is very great especially the Cavendish banana types covering 80% of total world demand.
In addition to opportunity in the export of whole banana, mashed banana exports now also provide good opportunities. Mashed banana, usually made of Cavendish bananas with sugar content of 21-26% or more bananas with sugar content <21%.
In Indonesia only planted bananas in the household or garden is very small. International standards a small banana plantation is 10-30 ha. This figure has not been achieved in Indonesia. Soil and climate we strongly support the planting of bananas, because it is technically possible establishment of banana plantations.
11.1.Ruang Scope
These standards include: classification and, in terms of quality, how to sample, test methods, marking requirements and ways of packaging.
Standard banana refers to the SNI 01-4229-1996.
11.3.Klasifikasi and Quality Standards
a) Fruit decay rate (%): Quality I = 70-80; Quality II <70 &> 80
b) Uniformity Cultivars: Quality I = uniform; Quality II = uniform
c) Uniformity of size: The quality I = uniform; Quality II = uniform
d) levels of impurities (% in weight of the dirt / weight): Quality i = 0; Quality II = 0
E) The level of physical damage / mechanical (% weight / weight): Quality i = 0; Quality II = 0
f) The skin smoothness (Maximum): Quality I = Smooth; Quality II = Smooth
g) Insects: Quality I = independent; Quality II = free
h) Disease: Quality I = independent; Quality II = free
The requirement is based on the classification of bananas is as follows:
a) Finger length (cm): 18.1-20.0 Class A: Class B 16.1 to 18.0; Class C from 14.1 to 16.0
b) Fill Weight (kg): Class A> 3.0; Class B 2.5 to 3.0; Class C <2.5
c) Dimeter Banana (cm): Class A 2.5; Class B> 2.5; Class C <2.5
To achieve the quality requirements and knowing that the testing should be performed include:
a) Determination of Uniformity cultivars.
Workings of the test are; Calculate the sum of all samples of fresh bananas, one by one visually observe and separate the pieces that do not fit to besangkutan ang cultivars. Count the number of finger bananas that are inconsistent with these cultivars. Calculate the percentage of the amount of finger bananas are considered to have shapes and colors that are not typical for the cultivar in question against the total number of fingers.
b) Determination of Uniformity of fruit size.
Measure the length of each fruit sample and calculated starting from the tip of the fruit stalk to the base of the entire sample by using an appropriate measuring device. Measure also the center line of fruit by using a slide ruler. Separate according to the classification stated on the label on the packaging.
c) Determination of rate of aging.
Notice the corners on the skin of fresh banana fruit. Tidsak angled fruit again (nearly round) means the old 100%, while that is still very real angle means the rate of aging is still 70% or less.
d) Determination of Damage Levels Physical / Mechanical
Count the number of fingers of the entire sample a banana. Observe the fruits one by one finger and separate the pieces are visually assessed damage mechanical / physical form of cuts or bruises. Count the number of damaged and then divide by the total and multiplied by 100%.
e) Determination of Levels of Dirt
Weigh the fruit samples tested, visually observe kotorang existing, separate the dirt on the fruit and packaging such as soil, sap, stem, leaf pieces or other objects are included in the term dirt on the fruit and packaging, then weigh the entire litter . Heavy dirt per weight of all fruit samples were tested once with 100%.
11.4.Pengambilan Example
One party / lots of fresh banana fruit consists of a maximum 1000 packaging. Sample taken at random as much as the amount of packaging.
a) Number of packs in the party (lots) to 100, the samples taken 5.
b) Number in party packs (lot) 101 to 300, the samples taken 7.
c) Number of packs in the party (lots) 301-500, the samples taken 9.
d) Number of packs in the party (lots) 501-1000, samples taken 10.
11.5 Packaging
For the tropical bananas, which used cardboard carton is 18 kg or 12 kg. Cartons can be divided into two rooms or left without the division of space. Before bananas included, Cover / seal the bottom and sides of a cardboard box with sheet plastic / plastic bag. After the prepared banana banana cap
with the plastic. Can only group (cluster) banana wrapped in plastic sheets / plastic bag before being put into a cardboard carton.
On the outside of the packaging, labeled that read, among others:
a) Production of Indonesia
b) Name of banana cultivars
c) Name of company / exporters
d) Net weight
e) Gross Weight
f) The identity of the buyer
g) Date of harvest
h) Advice temperature storage / transport
bercocok tanam,
crop cultivation,
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