Of citrus fruit is an annual plant originating from Asia. China is believed to be the first to grow oranges. Since hundreds of years ago, the oranges are grown in Indonesia either naturally or cultivated. Citrus plants in Indonesia is a relic of the Dutch who brought blood oranges and tangerines from America and Italy.
Botanical classification of citrus are as follows:
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Order: Rutales
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus
Species: Citrus sp.
Type of local oranges are grown in Indonesia is Keprok orange (Citrus reticulata / nobilis L.), citrus Siem (C. microcarpa L. and C.sinensis. L) consisting of Siem Pontianak, Garut Siem, Siem Lumajang, sweet orange (C. . auranticum C.sinensis L. and L.), citrus / lemon (C. medica), grapefruit (C.maxima Herr.) consisting of orange-Madium Nambangan and Bali. Orange to flavor a dish that consists of lime (C. aurantifolia), grapefruit Purut (C. Hystrix) and citrus sauce (C. hystix ABC).
Introduction of citrus varieties are widely planted varieties Lemon and Grapefruit. While local varieties are orange siem, baby orange, tangerine fields, Bali, and kaffir lime.
1) The benefits of citrus fruits as fresh food or processed foods, where a high vitamin C content.
2) In Several countries have produced oil from the skin and seeds of citrus, sugar drops, alcohol and pectin from citrus fruit is wasted. Orange peel oil is used to make perfumes, scented soaps, essences for beverages and cake mix.
3) Some types of citrus such as lime is used as traditional medicine for fever, pain the upper airway inflammation and healing the eyes.
Sentra citrus in Indonesia spread include: Garut (West Java), Tawangmangu (Central Java), Batu (East Java), Tejakula (Bali), Selayar (South Sulawesi), Pontianak (West Kalimantan) and Medan (North Sumatra). Due to a virus attack CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloen Degeneration), a few centers of cultivation decreased production compounded by a system of monopoly trade system which is currently orange no longer valid.
1. Wind speed is more than 40-48% will deteriorate the flowers and fruit. For areas of high intensity and wind speed is better windbreak crop rows planted perpendicular to the direction of the wind.
2.Tergantung on the species, citrus requires a 5-6, 6-7 or 9 wet months (rainy season). Wet months are needed for the development of flowers and fruit so that the soil remains moist. In Indonesia, this plant is in great need of adequate water, especially in the month of July to August.
3.Temperatur optimum between 25-30 degrees C, but there are still able to grow normally at 38 degrees C. Oranges Keprok requires temperatures of 20 degrees C.
4.Semua citrus fruits do not like the place protected from sunlight.
5.Kelembaban optimum for plant growth is about 70-80%.
5.2.Media Planting
1. A good soil is sandy loam to clay with clay fraction 7-27%, 25-50% of dust and sand <50%, sufficient topsoil, water system and good air.
2.Jenis andosol and Latosol soil is suitable for citrus cultivation.
3.Derajat soil acidity (soil pH) suitable for citrus cultivation is 5.5 to 6.5 with an optimum pH of 6.
4.Air optimal land is at a depth of 150-200 cm below the soil surface. In the dry season, 150 cm and 50 cm in the rainy season. Citrus plants like salt water containing about 10%.
5.Tanaman oranges grow well in areas with a slope of about 30 °.
5.3.Ketinggian Place
High places where lemon can be cultivated varies from lowlands
to high depending on the species:
1.Jenis Keprok Madura, Keprok Tejakula: 100-900 m above sea level.
2.Jenis Keprok Batu 55, Keprok Garut: 700-1200 m above sea level.
Sweet 3.Jenis Punten, Waturejo, WNO, VLO: 300-800 m above sea level.
Siem 4.Jenis: 100-700 m above sea level.
Large 5.Jenis Nambangan-Madison, Bali, Roll: 100-700 m above sea level.
6.Jenis Japan as Kasturi, Kumkuat: 1-1000 m above sea level.
7.Jenis Purut: 100-400 m above sea level.
1. Seed Requirements
Citrus seedlings are usually planted from vegetative propagation of shoot tip grafting. Good seed is disease-free, similar to its parent (true to type), fertile, stem 2-3 cm in diameter, smooth surface of the stem, root fibers are many, the roots of riding a medium-sized and certified seeds breeding.
2. Seed Preparation
Seeds used for the cultivation of oranges obtained by generative and vegetative.
3. Seeds Seeding Techniques
a) How generative
Seeds extracted from fruits by squeezing the fruit that has been cut. Dried seeds in places that are not exposed for 2-3 days until the mucus is gone.
The area has fertile soil seedbed. Cultivated soil as deep as 30-4 - cm and made from 1.15 to 1.20 m-sized nursery plot stretching from north to south. Map distances from 0.5 to 1 m. Before planting, add manure 1 kg/m2.
Seeds planted in the groove with a spacing of 1 to 1.5 x 2 cm and watered immediately. After planting, seedlings were given a roof. Seeds dipindahtanam into polybags of 15 x 35 cm after 20 cm tall at age 3-5 months. Grown in polybags media is a mixture of manure and chaff (2:1) or manure, rice husks, sand (1:1:1).
b) How vegetative
A common method is to shoot bud grafting and attachment of the eye patch. For both these ways need to be prepared rootstock (onderstam / rootstock) selected from citrus fruits with strong roots and broad, high-power of environmental adaptation, drought resistant, resistant / tolerant to viral diseases, root rot and nematodes. Rootstock varieties commonly used by the Japanese breeder citroen, Rough lemon, Cleopatra, Troyer citrange Citrange and Carizzo.
6.2.Pengolahan Growing Media
Citrus crops grown on dry land rice field / on sloping land. If planted in a hill needs to be made sengkedan / terrace. Land to be ditamani cleared of other plants or plant remains. Spacing varies for each type of citrus can be seen on the following data:
1) Keprok and Siem: spacing of 5 x 5 m
2) Sweet: spacing of 7 x 7 m
3) citron (Citroen): spacing of 6 x 7 m
4) Lime: spacing of 4 x 4 m
5) Grape fruit: spacing of 8 x 8 m
6) Large: spacing (10-12) x (10-12) m
Planting holes are made only on the ground that has not been processed and made 2 weeks prior to the ground. Land inside separated by land from the topsoil (25 cm). Derived from the upper soil layer mixed with 20 kg of manure. After planting the land restored to its original place. Beds (guludan) measuring 1 x 1 x 1 m made only if the oranges grown in paddy soil.
6.3.Teknik Planting
Citrus seedlings can be planted in the rainy season or dry season if the available water for watering, but should be planted early in the rainy season. Before planting, it is necessary:
1) Reduction of excessive leaf and branch.
2) Reduction of the root.
3) The root position not to have folded.
After the seed garden, watering taste and given a mulch of straw, coconut leaves or leaves that are free of disease in the vicinity. Place the mulch in such a way as to not touch the stems to avoid stem rot.
Before crop production and editorial overshadow one another, between good crops can be planted kacang-kacangan/sayuran. Once the canopy cover each other, interrupted plants replaced by grass / legume ground cover plants that also functions as an enhancer of nitrogen for citrus crops.
6.4.Pemeliharaan Plants
1. Stitching
Performed on plants that do not grow.
2. Weeding
Weeds are cleaned in accordance with the frequency of its growth, at the time of fertilization also done weeding.
3. Pembubunan
If planted on sloping land, to consider whether there is ground around the roots eroded. The addition of soil needs to be done if the base of the roots have started to appear.
4. Pruning
Pruning aims to form a canopy of trees and remove diseased branches, dry and unproductive / unwanted. Of the shoots that grow let it 3-4 early shoots at uniform distances that would later form the canopy of trees. In subsequent growth, each branch has a 3-4 clipping twigs or kelipatannya.Bekas wound was closed with a fungicide or wax to prevent the disease. We recommend that you first dip the pruning shears into Klorox / alcohol. Diseased twigs burned or buried in soil.
5. Fertilization
Giving the type and dose of fertilizer (g / plant) after planting are as follows:
a) 1 month: Urea = 100; ZA = 200; TSP = 25; ZK = 100; Dolomite = 20; P.kandang = 20 kg / tan.
b) 2 months: Urea = 200; ZA = 400; TSP = 50; ZK = 200; Dolomite = 40; P.kandang = 40 kg / tan.
c) 3 months: Urea = 300; ZA = 600; TSP = 75; ZK = 300; Dolomite = 60; P.kandang = 60 kg / tan.
d) 4 months: Urea = 400; ZA = 800; TSP = 100; ZK = 400; Dolomite = 80; P.kandang = 80 kg / tan.
e) 5 months: Urea = 500; ZA = 1000; TSP = 125; ZK = 500; Dolomite = 100; P.kandang = 100 kg / tan.
f) 6 months: Urea = 600; ZA = 1200; TSP = 150; ZK = 600; Dolomite = 120; P.kandang = 120 kg / tan.
g) 7 months: Urea = 700; ZA = 1400; TSP = 175; ZK = 700; Dolomite = 140; P.kandang = 140 kg / tan.;
h) 8 months: Urea = 800; ZA = 1600; TSP = 200; ZK = 800; Dolomite = 160; P.kandang = 160 kg / tan.
i)> 8 months: Urea> 1000; ZA = 2000; TSP = 200; ZK = 800; Dolomite = 200; P.kandang = 200 kg / tan.
2. Irrigation and Watering
Watering should not inundate the root stem. Plants are watered at least once a week during the dry season. If less water is available, the soil around the plant closed digemburkan and mulch.
3. Fruit thinning
In the year in which the fruitful orange trees, thinning should be done so that the tree is able to support growth and weight of fruit and fruit quality maintained. Discarded fruit includes fruit illness, which is not exposed to sunlight (in the shade of the leaves) and excess fruit in a single stalk. Eliminate fruit at the end of the main stem of the fruit in one there and leave only 2-3 pieces.
1.Kutu jump (Diaphorina citri.)
The part that is attacked is the stalk, leaf buds, shoots, young leaves.
Symptoms: curly shoots, dead plants.
Control: use of insecticide active ingredient dimethoate (40 EC Roxion, Rogor 40 EC), Monocrotophos (Azodrin 60 WSC) and endosulfan (Thiodan 3G, Dekasulfan 35 EC and 350 EC). Spraying is done prior to and during sprouting, addition discard the affected areas.
2.Kutu leaf (Toxoptera citridus aurantii, Aphis gossypii.)
The part that is attacked is the young shoots and flowers.
Symptoms: leaf curl and lasting until the leaves mature.
Control: use an insecticide with the active ingredient Methidathion (Supracide 40 EC), Dimethoate (Perfecthion, Rogor 40 EC, Cygon), Diazinon (Basudin 60 EC), Phosphamidon (Dimecron 50 SCW), Malathion (Gisonthion 50 EC).
3.Ulat peliang leaf (Phyllocnistis citrella.)
The part that is attacked is the young leaves.
Symptoms: transparent or silvery circular groove, buds / young leaves wrinkle, roll, fall out.
Control: spray insecticide with the active ingredient Methidathion (Supracide 40 EC, 60 EC Basudin), Malathion (Gisonthion 50 EC, 50 WP)
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